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🏳️‍⚧️Mayja • O Wishkeeper Mine
She/it • 28 • lesbian • poly • 🔞🏳️‍⚧️🇸🇪🇺🇸 • talks too much • mutuals can add me on discord @ fissionstorm • mdni • seattle adjacent HRT 7/23/23
573 followers1k following2.6k posts

Holy yikes thats insane

Reposted by 🏳️‍⚧️Mayja • O Wishkeeper Mine

nobody: people from ny: i live in new yawk. i have three roommates. two of dem are rats. we eat pizza fawh dinnuh every night. de rent? 4000 dollars a SECOND


Wait what happened w kairi? Ive been absent


Theres something oddly satisfying about my cis-est coworker putting on music “that ill like” and its just chappelle roan, phoebe, bridgers etc and then him saying theyre his current fav jam

Reposted by 🏳️‍⚧️Mayja • O Wishkeeper Mine

a bunny emoji with the shell and colours from the turtle emoji


Reposted by 🏳️‍⚧️Mayja • O Wishkeeper Mine

Why are we banning TikTok when we could ban LinkedIn

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• Justin Oberman
Justin Oberman's Post
Justin Oberman
Copywriter, Ghostwriter, Marketing Con...
This philosophy book from 1923 taught me more about writing content than any growth-hacking webinar ever could.
The book is "Ich/Du" often translated as 1/Thou by Martin Buber.
First, a quick German lesson.
Germans use the formal "Sie" with doctors and bank tellers and reserve the informal
"du" for more personal relations.
The rule is that when the communication and relationshio are aoal-oriented. vou use "sie"
When it's not, you use "Du."
Buber simplifies this as we either have an
"I/lt" relationship or an "I/You" relationship and chose "Du" for his title to tell us to stop treating people like goal-oriented objects.
The lesson for marketers here is so cliché that even writing it is making me gag at my own buzzword:
"Stop thinking of yourself. Don't treat consumers like data points; treat them like people!"
But that's not why you should read this book.
You should read this book to stop thinking about your audience as well.
Wait? What?
You heard me.
By thinking about what your audience wants, you are ironically thinking about them as goal-oriented objects as well.
So what should you do?
To overcome this "I/lt" problem, Buber suggests communicating with the relationship itself.
The kind of communication you have when talking with friends.
That relies on dialogue over instructions.
That takes poetic risks and relies on undertones.
No, this doesn't mean turning your Linkedin posts into sonnets.
But what it does mean is... well, that's the point.
It's hard to define.
And that's what makes "I/Thou" a truly extraordinary book.
It teaches by practicing what it preaches.
Instead of using the usual rational structure preferred by philosophers, Buber wrote it using an evocative, poetic voice that points rather than demonstrates.
Or, as he puts it:
"I have no teaching. I only point to something. I point to reality; I point to something in reality that had not or had too little been seen. I take him who listens to me by the hand and lead him to the window. I open the window and point to what is outside. I have no teaching, but I carry on a conversation."
This is why the poet Jorge Luis Borges first read Buber's works as "wonderful poems" and only later realized they were philosophy.
Or, as Borges said, "When something is merely said or-better still-hinted at, there is a kind of hospitality in our imagination. We are ready to accept it."
Isn't that exactly what your marketing is supposed to do?
Create a hospitality in your audience's imagination.
Or are you too busy crafting the perfect call-to-action to bother with such lofty goals?

Ikr 🥰 as soon as i got home i was a mess


He said the only reason he hasnt before is bc he didnt know how i wanted him to refer to me as to others and his queer coworkers pushed him to be direct about it. So shout out to them ig


My dad finally called me his daughter today while we went out to lunch and i almost cried in the restaraunt

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🏳️‍⚧️Mayja • O Wishkeeper Mine
She/it • 28 • lesbian • poly • 🔞🏳️‍⚧️🇸🇪🇺🇸 • talks too much • mutuals can add me on discord @ fissionstorm • mdni • seattle adjacent HRT 7/23/23
573 followers1k following2.6k posts