Løvetannbarn. Ildsjel i humanitære org. Bekjemper fattigdom, bolignød m.m. Twitterflyktning. 🤮 av legestanden, som holdt meg syk i >20 år. Naturen og øko-mat bare brukte <6 mnd på å bli kvitt en u.s.t.a.n.s.e.l.i.g Cluster-migrene, diab.2 ++
210 followers411 following1.9k posts

Sex, laws and moral standards: WEF declares Pedophilia 'Sexual Orientation' must be added to LGBTQ+ The LGBTQ+ rainbow community must add a P, according to the World Economic Forum in Davos, which has declared pedophilia an acceptable sexual orientation that deserves respect.

Real World News
Real World News

WEF Declares Pedophilia 'Sexual Orientation' Must Be Added To LGBTQ+ The LGBTQ+ rainbow community must add a P according to the World Economic Forum in Davos which has declared that pedophilia is an ...

Reposted by FU

Nei, Høyre, kapital arbeider ikke, det er det vanlige arbeidsfolk som gjør. Hvis kapital hadde arbeidet da hadde det ikke vært nødvendig å utnytte og suge ut alle verdiene av arbeidsfolks innstats, da kunne vel bare kapitalen arbeidet for de rike … #Dax18


Forsøk på demonutdrivelse Statskirken drev "demonutdrivelse" over x hundre år, og de dype sporene deres får fremdeles folk til å praktisere disse overgrepene. På den ene siden: burde ikke Stat(skirk)en da idømmes milliarderstatninger (til etterkommerne)? 1/2

Ektepar i 70-årene tiltalt for grov mishandling av psykisk syk kvinn
Ektepar i 70-årene tiltalt for grov mishandling av psykisk syk kvinn

Bak tiltalen ligger forhold som handler om forbønn og demonutdrivelse. Det bekrefter de tiltaltes advokater overfor avisen Dagen.

Reposted by FU

After 10 hours of protest from Google workers, 'No Tech For Apartheid,' standing against a Google-Israeli partnership with Project Nimbus, police arrested groups of employees in NYC and California. Watch video of the California arrests as they happened live.

Google Employees Sit-In to Protest 'Project Nimbus' AI Tech Contract With the Israeli Military - UNICORN RIOT
Google Employees Sit-In to Protest 'Project Nimbus' AI Tech Contract With the Israeli Military - UNICORN RIOT

Manhattan, NY — Google employees organized a sit-in at the tech company’s Chelsea office in New York City and occupied the office of Google Cloud’s CEO Thomas Kurian in California on April 16, 2024. T...

Reposted by FU

Det å kreve refusjon fra Posten når alt var innafor mtp mål av pakken, men likevel ikke blir plukket av budet. Så blir jeg ghostet av kundeservice på chatten. Kunne godt brukt nærmeste Pakkeboks, men Posten-appen gir meg ikke den valget fordi jeg bor i feil postnummer 🤷🏼‍♂️

Reposted by FU

Might as well post that picture of my son when he was a baby. The one where he look like he was born playing darts. In 1957. Looking like he just got some bad news about a tractor trailer his nephew was minding for him. With a face like my dad's when I tell him about my podcast.

Reposted by FU

Two year anniversary of the moment Elon Musk kicked off the process of buying and completely destroying Twitter, replacing it with a hatred-soaked disinformation engine called X.

Elon Musk offers to buy Twitter for $43 billion, so it can be 'transformed as private company'
Elon Musk offers to buy Twitter for $43 billion, so it can be 'transformed as private company'

Elon Musk offered to buy Twitter for $54.20 a share, saying the social media company needs to be transformed privately.

Reposted by FU

There's whole a dissertation in the ratio of men to women and the lack of any faces but white ones

Løvetannbarn. Ildsjel i humanitære org. Bekjemper fattigdom, bolignød m.m. Twitterflyktning. 🤮 av legestanden, som holdt meg syk i >20 år. Naturen og øko-mat bare brukte <6 mnd på å bli kvitt en u.s.t.a.n.s.e.l.i.g Cluster-migrene, diab.2 ++
210 followers411 following1.9k posts