Journalist, Novelist, Father, Son, Husband, etc etc. Based in HTX.
78 followers56 following1k posts

one of the saddest moments of life: realizing there is no special bridge over a river for oxen in England. In fact "Ox-Bridge" refers to elite universities. No oxes involved, very few bridges.

Reposted by ElliottScribe

i'm not saying it should be the gold standard, but once you start asking "does this publication have a narrower range of perspectives and coverage than Haaretz?" about North American outlets it's really hard to shake the questioni'm not saying it should be the gold standard, but once you start asking "does this publication have a narrower range of perspectives and coverage than Haaretz?" about North American outlets it's really hard to shake the question

Reposted by ElliottScribe

Another example of Elon Musk causing more harm than helping:

Elon Musk shared a text from someone claiming FEMA is 'shutting down airspace and blocking them' from using private helicopters into areas in North Carolina impacted by Hurricane Helene
Pete Muntean of CNN shares a photo of crowded airspace above North Carolina, and says "an unprecedented number of airplanes, helicopters and drones swooping in to help with Hurricane Helene efforts are now posing a safety hazard. There were 30 near mid air collisions last Saturday, a federal source tells me."
Reposted by ElliottScribe

"I won't vote unless my very specific, personal requirements for your platform are met, period" is baby-brain engagement for lazy assholes. You don't bend the will of the machine when you withhold your vote, you give them permission to ignore everything you say from that point forward.

Reposted by ElliottScribe

There’s a specific kind of person online who’s very vocal that they won’t vote for Harris under any circumstances for Left reasons and then gets mad when the Harris campaign tries to get moderate Republicans to vote for her and it’s like, well, where else can they get votes from if you’re closed?

Reposted by ElliottScribe

inching nearer and nearer to becoming a single issue voter and that single issue is "get american strategic aerospace and defense assets out of this guy's fucking hands immediately"


going to hell from Oklahoma is a major zipcode and quality of life upgrade, though, so kinda happy for him.

Reposted by ElliottScribe

First day in the lake of fire and everyone's asking what you're in for and you have to say "I spent $3.3m in state money on bibles endorsed by Donald Trump and the 'God Bless The USA' guy in my capacity as a public employee." All the demons rolling their hideous eyes like "look at this dork."

Reposted by ElliottScribe

I'm so worn down, all I can really do is just kind of sigh. From 2016 - 2020, the number of people who acted like I had joined the ranks of conspiracy theorists because I said that Trump wanted to do exactly what this Rolling Stone piece said he wanted/wants to do was real hell on my mental health

Journalist, Novelist, Father, Son, Husband, etc etc. Based in HTX.
78 followers56 following1k posts