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Gayle J. Greenlea
American-Australian poet, novelist, muso, counselor for survivors of sexual & gender violence. Black Bough Poetry, Fevers of the Mind, Ice Floe Press, SAR, Kalonopia, Headline Poetry & Press, Rebelle, Wombwell Rainbow. #BLM #LGBTQIA #Climate #Disability
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“About suffering they were never wrong, The Old Masters… In Brueghel's Icarus, for instance: how everything turns away Quite leisurely from the disaster… the forsaken cry… white legs disappearing into the green Water…”

Brueghel’s Icarus: a ploughman, shepherd and ship glide mildly by in a lush pastoral scene as the miraculous boy’s fall from the sky goes unnoticed, and his legs slide, unobserved, into the sea. Title: W.H. Auden, Musee Des Beaux Arts

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Gayle J. Greenlea
American-Australian poet, novelist, muso, counselor for survivors of sexual & gender violence. Black Bough Poetry, Fevers of the Mind, Ice Floe Press, SAR, Kalonopia, Headline Poetry & Press, Rebelle, Wombwell Rainbow. #BLM #LGBTQIA #Climate #Disability
2.2k followers5.2k following1.1k posts