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tat tvam asi this too shall pass 2e tbi introvert poly non-hegemonic cohabitate with two cats & family urban cyclist Dabbler in poetry, photography, politics and philosophy, baking and gardening Lifelong learner. Sometime teacher.
272 followers1.4k following1.1k posts
Reposted by grollen
Reposted by grollen

When Jeff Flake was in the Senate he was one of the 2 or 3 most conservative members. This is quite something.

Reposted by grollen

So this is paywalled ; but, I’m betting “officials” are wary of letting go of that sweet, sweet drug-war money is the real headline here.

Reposted by grollen

I can show you untold wonders like THE MIRACLE OF THE WOLVES, in which ladies annihilate the boys with hatchets, arrows and, well, wolves. But I can't get anywhere if all anyone wants to talk about is some Snidely Whiplash fantasy that was never really a mainstream thing in serious pictures.


Turned out alright

Cooked handmade cheese pizza
Cooked mushroom olive onion pizza
Reposted by grollen

When Trump first chose "America First" as his slogan American Historians were like "um, yeah, that seems kinda bad." Now that he's moved on to praising "the late great Charles Lindbergh" I think we can dispense with the qualifications.

Reposted by grollen

CBS News Says It Will Be Up To Vance And Walz To Fact-Check Each Other In Veep Debate In other words, Vance will be allowed to spew a firehose of lies with no pushback from “moderators,” who won’t actually moderate anything because CBS is scared of the right wing reaction.

CBS News Says It Will Be Up To Vance And Walz To Fact-Check Each Other In Veep Debate
CBS News Says It Will Be Up To Vance And Walz To Fact-Check Each Other In Veep Debate

CBS News says it will be up to the candidates, not the moderators, to fact-check each other.

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tat tvam asi this too shall pass 2e tbi introvert poly non-hegemonic cohabitate with two cats & family urban cyclist Dabbler in poetry, photography, politics and philosophy, baking and gardening Lifelong learner. Sometime teacher.
272 followers1.4k following1.1k posts