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Graham Kidd Photography
The work of an old duffer with a camera in North Wales, UK, hoping to one day produce something worthwhile. Hiding in plain sight, swimming against the tide in a sea of indifference.
117 followers95 following479 posts

This popped up in my Facebook Memories from 2013. I called "North Wales Police - The Musical". I was photographing the Police Station in Lancaster Square, Conwy, when these two officers walked into shot. Noticing me, one gave me jazz hands. Too good an opportunity to miss. (1 of 2)

Colour image of the entrance to the Victorian Police station in Lancaster Square, Conwy, with six steps leading to the front door, and sash windows on either side. There's a tree on the left of the frame, with two Police officers, one male & one female,in yellow hi-vis jackets walking into shot. They are smiling, and the female office is giving me "jazz hands".

It was a street photographer's gift, and was posted as a light-hearted image. Nonetheless, an older gentleman whom I've known for years, prickly at the best of times, couldn't resist leaving bigoted comments about immigrants, and how things were different (I.e. better) when he was young. (2 of 2)

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Graham Kidd Photography
The work of an old duffer with a camera in North Wales, UK, hoping to one day produce something worthwhile. Hiding in plain sight, swimming against the tide in a sea of indifference.
117 followers95 following479 posts