Greg Pincus
Writer. Likes to rhyme, though not when writing movies or novels. But you should see my shopping lists! Has never bought an orange. #kidlitchat cohost for 14+ years on ex-Twitter (and now here on Tuesday nights at 9 PM EST!). Still bats and throws righty.
1.2k followers1.3k following817 posts

TOPIC: It's time for our quarterly check-in: your chance to share what's new, what you've accomplished since December (everything counts!), and what's on tap for the next three months. #kidlitchat


#kidlitchat Managed to get down some good ideas for new manuscripts and write consistently even through trying times. Updated my website as well! Next three months: try to turn some of these picture book WIPs into fulls!


We nice finally getting treated for RA and getting the use of my hands back, I finished a dummy, entered #PBParty#kidlitchat


I missed you all again... always arriving after everyone's left! I'm halfway through a new book, got a grant app subbed for the next book, and my book that comes out in May got the most amazing pre-review so super-productive down here! #kidlitchat Good luck everyone!


Missed tonight in real time cause I’m revamping a nf bio pb of an artist. Think I’m getting somewhere!


I finished a draft of an MG revision! Also wrote 2 very rough PB drafts. One of my goals for the next 3 months is to remember to attend #kidlitchat in real time.


Ooh, just checking in, but my book FLAP YOUR HANDS: A Celebration of Stimming got some good reviews, releases on the 24th and I’m so excited!!! Also, I’ve been hard at work turning my MG graphic novel outline into a script! #kidlitchat


Working on a PB biography, a poetry comedy PB, teaching PB courses, consulting on PBs, reading tons of PBs, lugging PBs, dreaming PBs...but I think I'm supposed to be writing a novel...

Greg Pincus
Writer. Likes to rhyme, though not when writing movies or novels. But you should see my shopping lists! Has never bought an orange. #kidlitchat cohost for 14+ years on ex-Twitter (and now here on Tuesday nights at 9 PM EST!). Still bats and throws righty.
1.2k followers1.3k following817 posts