Helen Barnard
Director of Policy, Research, Impact, TrussellTrust Trustee NatCen. Former JRF & Pro Bono Economics. Author: Want (Giants: A New Beveridge Report)
3.5k followers1.5k following461 posts

It’s a real problem that most people on high incomes (top 10%/20%) don’t realise they’re on high incomes. They think they’re in the middle. So policies that only affect the top 20-1% get reported as if they affect the majority of the public. People sending kids…1/3


Given the distortion caused by the income divide between the major cities and the rest of the country, I wonder whether income is a useful metric. Disposable income after food, accommodation, utility bills and commuting costs might give more useful insights.


Social sorting is a big part of this. But geography and mixing in your own age group are also factors. Eg if you're in London, in your 40s and mix with a cross section of other 40 something Londoners, median income is £51k

What is the average salary by age in London and the rest of the UK in 2024? - Times Money Mentor
What is the average salary by age in London and the rest of the UK in 2024? - Times Money Mentor

Free to read: We take a look at average salaries in London compared to those across the UK. Find our how yours compares to residents of the captal?


I agree as long as you're careful, as you were, to say "higher" incomes and not rich; as these higher income people are not private jet style rich. Middle class, which is what they are, have different interests to both rich and working class.


This is so true, if you live in a neighborhood (been there 20 years, so since when it was affordable) with people who spend £50k a year on holidays, & build small cinemas in their basement it can make you feel not so well off...


Most people and get reported don't belong together in that sentence. The reporting is not done by most people.


So true! What puzzles me is that many of the consumer goods taken for granted by higher income people: several cars, cable TV, IPhones, holidays etc are regarded as essential at average incomes. No idea how people manage it!


…to private schools and paying inheritance & capital gains tax think they’re in the middle. They’re not. They aren’t the super wealthy 0.01%. But they are much richer than the average & than vast majority of the population. They just don’t realise it. Social sorting plays…2/3


Wasn't it Jeremy Hunt who said £100k income is small or average? Boris Johnson said £250k is "chickenfeed". With those views prevalent in tory circles, it shows they're out of touch and unrealistic. No wonder they lost the election.


Also, even if they find out they’re in the top decile, there’s a tendency for people to say “ah, but we’re not really that well off, because of our housing/childcare/education/horsecare/Tuscan villa expenses”.

Helen Barnard
Director of Policy, Research, Impact, TrussellTrust Trustee NatCen. Former JRF & Pro Bono Economics. Author: Want (Giants: A New Beveridge Report)
3.5k followers1.5k following461 posts