Comics by Carrie Sage
11 followers0 following13 posts

I hope that one key ring with my favorite key chain on it is enjoying its mystery isekai journey #webcomic#webcomics#adhd

Panel 1: An upwards angle of a guy setting down a phone. He thinks: "Wait. If I put my phone down here, I'll never remember it later..."
Panel 2: snapping his fingers with an idea, he thinks, "Oh! but I'll remember this feeling and where I was. So it's okay."
Panel 3: As he walks away, setting down the phone behind him, the phone slips and stretches into a black hole that's opened up on the end table.
Reposted by HOPE TANTRUM

new comic! wrote this naked in a hotel room when I was in portland


thanks to for providing great pose reference for the awkward tub lean! I love the work you do!


I don't wanna use a walkthrough! I wanna figure it out myself #webcomic#webcomics#travel

Panel 1: A white woman with light brown hair and a backpack is hiking uphill along a gravel path through a hilly grassland, casting a long shadow showing late afternoon/evening. A small white bunny watches curiously from behind a tree. Caption: "I've journeyed a long, hard road today..." 

Panel 2: Her hike continues. Over the next hill there's a rocky river bank. A posted sign in the shape of an arrow points her onward. Caption: "Eager to soothe my weariness in the waters of renewal."

Panel 3: She has arrived at the waterfall. All that's visible of her face is a determined eyebrow. Caption: "Vulnerable & aching, I face one last trial before I find relief... If I fail, will the waters freeze me or boil me first?"

Panel 4: A black & white drawing of a hotel shower (or is it just a trendy color choice from a boutique hotel?) She is painted in color, undressed, reaching for the hot/cold lever to turn on the water, but the markings on the dial are confusing and she's stressing out

I have been fighting Blue Cross since last October to get them to cover Ubrelvy. (without insurance each tablet is $100. for some migraines you need to take two!)


and now, a word from the olympic sponsors (part 1/2) #webcomic#webcomics

Panel 1: A toddler is cheering with their fists in the air after kicking a ball into a huge adult-sized goal. Caption: "My cynicism is defeated by this kid playing soccer."
Panel 2: A woman with locs in a ponytail, running. Caption: "You can do anything if you believe in yourself and buy these shoes"
Panel 3: A drawn pose from the Wicked movie promos. Glinda the Good Witch is reaching up towards Elphaba (the Wicked Witch), who's reaching back but also hovering, ready to fly away. Caption: "Let's see if Hollywood has learned how to adapt Broadway yet." In a Wicked-esque font: "Probably Not"

Happy #makeaterriblecomicday2024 everybody

A woman is holding a giant water bottle, thinking to herself "This water bottle is a great size, but kinda hostile"

The water bottle: 

8AM: Get going
10AM: Still not enough
12PM: Drink more, bitch
2PM: I'm sorry
4PM: Sorry I called you a bitch
6PM: it's just like you to get mad
8PM: Just like a bitch

no I didn't get your email; I was busy exorcising some product manager's attempt to hit a KPI #webcomic#webcomics

Panel 1: An androgynous person on their phone, thinking to themselves: "Buying from a smaller business is a more ethical move." They click the "Pay Now" button on their phone.
Panel 2: a blue little imp whooshes in. "the pact is sealed," it says, surprising the person
Panel 3: An email notification. The person looks confused, the imp is snickering
Panel 4: The emails are flooding in! The imp is stomp-dancing on the person's head, crowing "you will never be free!" 

Five email notifications: "10% off TODAY ONLY", "We saw you looking...", "Rate your [purchase]", "We miss you already! Check out these deals", "Buy even more! Aren't you supposed to be ethical?!"

starving artist (content note: disordered eating) #webcomic#webcomics

Panel 1: Two women on a TV talk show set.
Interviewer: "You looked so different for this film! What did you have to do to get that kind of transformation?"
Panel 2: Close-up on actress, hands up, earnest and a little defensive. Actress: "It was quite a severe diet. Actually it was very bad for my long-term health. I'm still dealing with the health problems from it. Nobody should do what I did."
Panel 3: Close-up on the interviewer, hand to her heart for sincerity: "That sounds so hard."
Panel 4: Back to the wide shot. Interviewer: "But what a change! Tell us more about exactly what you ate on this diet."
Audience: "yeah!" "deetz on the eetz"
The actress is frowning.
Comics by Carrie Sage
11 followers0 following13 posts