Comics by Carrie Sage
11 followers0 following13 posts

I hope that one key ring with my favorite key chain on it is enjoying its mystery isekai journey #webcomic#webcomics#adhd

Panel 1: An upwards angle of a guy setting down a phone. He thinks: "Wait. If I put my phone down here, I'll never remember it later..."
Panel 2: snapping his fingers with an idea, he thinks, "Oh! but I'll remember this feeling and where I was. So it's okay."
Panel 3: As he walks away, setting down the phone behind him, the phone slips and stretches into a black hole that's opened up on the end table.
Reposted by HOPE TANTRUM

new comic! wrote this naked in a hotel room when I was in portland


I don't wanna use a walkthrough! I wanna figure it out myself #webcomic#webcomics#travel

Panel 1: A white woman with light brown hair and a backpack is hiking uphill along a gravel path through a hilly grassland, casting a long shadow showing late afternoon/evening. A small white bunny watches curiously from behind a tree. Caption: "I've journeyed a long, hard road today..." 

Panel 2: Her hike continues. Over the next hill there's a rocky river bank. A posted sign in the shape of an arrow points her onward. Caption: "Eager to soothe my weariness in the waters of renewal."

Panel 3: She has arrived at the waterfall. All that's visible of her face is a determined eyebrow. Caption: "Vulnerable & aching, I face one last trial before I find relief... If I fail, will the waters freeze me or boil me first?"

Panel 4: A black & white drawing of a hotel shower (or is it just a trendy color choice from a boutique hotel?) She is painted in color, undressed, reaching for the hot/cold lever to turn on the water, but the markings on the dial are confusing and she's stressing out

and now, a word from the olympic sponsors (part 1/2) #webcomic#webcomics

Panel 1: A toddler is cheering with their fists in the air after kicking a ball into a huge adult-sized goal. Caption: "My cynicism is defeated by this kid playing soccer."
Panel 2: A woman with locs in a ponytail, running. Caption: "You can do anything if you believe in yourself and buy these shoes"
Panel 3: A drawn pose from the Wicked movie promos. Glinda the Good Witch is reaching up towards Elphaba (the Wicked Witch), who's reaching back but also hovering, ready to fly away. Caption: "Let's see if Hollywood has learned how to adapt Broadway yet." In a Wicked-esque font: "Probably Not"

Happy #makeaterriblecomicday2024 everybody

A woman is holding a giant water bottle, thinking to herself "This water bottle is a great size, but kinda hostile"

The water bottle: 

8AM: Get going
10AM: Still not enough
12PM: Drink more, bitch
2PM: I'm sorry
4PM: Sorry I called you a bitch
6PM: it's just like you to get mad
8PM: Just like a bitch

no I didn't get your email; I was busy exorcising some product manager's attempt to hit a KPI #webcomic#webcomics

Panel 1: An androgynous person on their phone, thinking to themselves: "Buying from a smaller business is a more ethical move." They click the "Pay Now" button on their phone.
Panel 2: a blue little imp whooshes in. "the pact is sealed," it says, surprising the person
Panel 3: An email notification. The person looks confused, the imp is snickering
Panel 4: The emails are flooding in! The imp is stomp-dancing on the person's head, crowing "you will never be free!" 

Five email notifications: "10% off TODAY ONLY", "We saw you looking...", "Rate your [purchase]", "We miss you already! Check out these deals", "Buy even more! Aren't you supposed to be ethical?!"

starving artist (content note: disordered eating) #webcomic#webcomics

Panel 1: Two women on a TV talk show set.
Interviewer: "You looked so different for this film! What did you have to do to get that kind of transformation?"
Panel 2: Close-up on actress, hands up, earnest and a little defensive. Actress: "It was quite a severe diet. Actually it was very bad for my long-term health. I'm still dealing with the health problems from it. Nobody should do what I did."
Panel 3: Close-up on the interviewer, hand to her heart for sincerity: "That sounds so hard."
Panel 4: Back to the wide shot. Interviewer: "But what a change! Tell us more about exactly what you ate on this diet."
Audience: "yeah!" "deetz on the eetz"
The actress is frowning.

a short memory about an eclipse in 1984, that I sketched out while also experiencing an eclipse 40 years later #webcomic#webcomics#eclipse#watercolor

Panel 1: Caption "The first eclipse I remember was when I was in kindergarten." A teacher is pointing to a diagram she drew on the chalkboard of how an eclipse works, on May 30th, 1984. She says "but never look at the sun, you can go blind!"

Panel 2: Caption: "After that warning, it was time for recess." A small girl in a yellow sweatshirt and sweatpants is crouched in a grassy yard, covering her face. Her thoughts: "is sunlight safe?" "everything is lit up!" "nowhere is safe from the sunlight"
Panel 3: Caption: "I walked home to my grandparents' like this:" The girl is walking along a grass-lined road, peeking out from between her fingers. Her thoughts: "will I be blind tomorrow?" "...why is no one else worried?"

Panel 4: Caption: "Only to find my grandpa looking right at the sun." A slightly-hunched older man in suspenders is in his garage, looking at the sky, while wearing a strange helmet with a mask over his face. Girl: "what are you DOING!?"
Panel 5: Grandpa, holding out the helmet: "You wanna see? It's still going." Girl, looking aghast with arms out: "No! My teacher said you could go BLIND"

Panel 6: Grandpa, holding out the helmet, grinning proudly: "Your teacher ain't a welder. Come on. It's safe."
Panel 7: View of a partially-eclipsed sun through the welding visor. It's blurry but the sun is slightly crescent. Thoughts: "I will look, for just one second." "...just one second..." "oh wow it's so cool"

Panel 8: Grandpa is putting on a different welding visor. "This visor isn't as safe but you can see better." The girl is still wearing the first one. Surprised at his words, she says, "that's okay! This one's fine!"

🧵 (1/57) #webcomic

Panel 1: a woman at a microphone, lit up on stage. "I don't know who out there needs to hear this"
Panel 2: rear view of the woman showing a dark audience. "I don't even know who's listening to me"

Panel 3: "But I know I'm smarter than you, so listen up"
Comics by Carrie Sage
11 followers0 following13 posts