89 followers289 following1k posts

Good news for Harris.


CBS designed the debate to ensure that the guy who led most rapaciously and shamelessly would win, and they got what they wanted. They should lose their press credentials for it. But they got what they wanted.

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Members of Congress who voted to defund FEMA and the National Flood Insurance Program one day before Helene hit: Sen. Budd (R-NC) Sen. Blackburn (R-TN) Sen. Hagerty (R-TN) Reps. Bean, Bilirakis, Cammack, Donalds, Gaetz, Lee, Luna, Mills, Posey, Waltz, Webster (R-FL) Rep. Bishop (R-NC)

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As a former polling interviewer, you treat these people as the most delicate butterflies or they hang up I remember polls that split based on if respondent planned to vote Dem or GOP. Asking about known facts, Republicans but not Democrats got read the option "That's not true"

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I am so deeply tired of a lazy political news media that treats Donald Trump and his lies as their assignment editor.

Reporter: Trump has accused you of ignoring—
Biden: He's lying and the governor told him he was lying. I've spoken to the governor.. I don't know why he does this and the reason I get so angry about it, I don't care about what he says about me, but I care what he communicates to the people that are in need. He implies that we're not doing everything possible. We are. I assume you heard the Republican Governor of Georgia talk about that. He was on the phone with me more than once. So that's simply not true.
And it's irresponsible.
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Speed camera discourse is yet another reminder that a lot of people that claim to be leftists online are actually crypto libertarians who think “I should be able to break the law in my car without consequence” is a valid position

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The people who killed Arlington's missing middle reforms pretend to care about housing affordability, local residents, etc etc when in front of a judge, but in victory they drop the facade and genuinely relish in making housing less affordable and keeping people out of the county

a tweet exchange where Michael O'Grady says "I testified as an expert witness at trial that the county did not properly follow Virginia law by failing to properly consider "(x) to promote the creation and preservation of affordable housing suitable for meeting the current and future needs of the locality." We won yesterday."

I say "thanks for personally, directly making my life worse Michael"

he replies back with a gif of the great gatsby toasting champagne
89 followers289 following1k posts