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Justin (He/Them)
Martial artist (Brazilian jiu jitsu), dog dad, masochist. Engineer in PDX. Den mom who fucks. Aromantic/Queer. PDX is home. @halfguarddog on most other social media (IG/Discord/Telegram). Profile is rated R, but I'm a shameless reply guy so who knows.
3k followers1.9k following7.6k posts

If you've got an android phone, it's not too bad if you make them silent notifications. I get my teams messages on my phone but it never alerts or interrupts me.


I have an iPhone but I just didn’t let it send me push notifications lol I’ll open it when I need to

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Justin (He/Them)
Martial artist (Brazilian jiu jitsu), dog dad, masochist. Engineer in PDX. Den mom who fucks. Aromantic/Queer. PDX is home. @halfguarddog on most other social media (IG/Discord/Telegram). Profile is rated R, but I'm a shameless reply guy so who knows.
3k followers1.9k following7.6k posts