25 followers74 following18 posts

the Welsh 20mph default speed limit: 32% reduction in injuries, 20% reduction in insurance claims, maybe a £20 million saving for the NHS - and the last is just from road casualties, without broader public health gains from more active travel and lower noise and air pollution


You'd think a lesson would have been learned the last time (or the time before, or the time before that) trains were purchased and they had the same issue but...


The battery life on my garmin forerunner 45 plus is getting quite short, does anyone know of an online service that will replace the battery?


I hadn't planned on getting a new cat (they arrive and sometimes hang around) and I certainly hadn't planned on getting a kitten nevertheless I appear to have one.


BBC News are doing a story on Friday about West Midlands Police's Operation Snap road crime reporting initiative. The story is about the success the force is having taking action against drivers who drive without care or consideration for cyclists.


This is something you never want to happen 🤣 Two kids practising wheelies and one of them lost his front wheel. He got the forks down on the ground with no real issue and just had to retrieve the wheel.

Front wheel of a bicycle rolling across a path with no bike attached.

I've long had a personal theory about Custard Tits' level of illness and it's been confirmed. Mate, if you were deciding whether you wanted to have a kip or not, you were on the kind of ventilation they give to people with sleep apnoea. I've been closer to death when I've pushed the cat off the bed

Front page image from the Daily Mail of failed, disgraced former PM Johnson with a cover image of him looking like absolute shit. The headline reads "Night I refused to go to sleep in intensive care - because I feared I'd never wake up again". It is touting the serialisation of his shitty collection of anecdotes they call 'The political memoir of the century'.

Still no work arriving (eek). So, I've been out on the bike for an hour, sorted a handful of photos from 2009, and am now going to do housework - fun times! Anyone need any remote admin, media transcription, voiceover recording etc. done? Doesn't have to be active travel related (nice if so though)


This main pedestrian route to infant and junior schools, as well as a high street in Northfield, is currently a series of mangled guardrail, lampposts, and a collapsed wall just out of shot.

A dual carriageway local road. There are pedestrian crossings across both which are replaced by temporary lights. Metal railing is replaced with plastic temporary barriers. A lamppost has been knocked down. A signpost has been knocked down.
25 followers74 following18 posts