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James Enge
Classics by day; sword-and-sorcery by night. The other way 'round sometimes.
371 followers288 following814 posts
Reposted by James Enge

How about I post the cover for The Wolf and the Wild King, out Nov 19th in ebook, coming in trd pbk soon too? Swords, sacrifice, a dark winter. Preorders for the ebook are up: Go ahead, rt this to all your friends; they'd probably like to read it too, right?

Front cover of The Wolf and the Wild King, by K. V. Johansen, published by Mystique/Crossroad Press. A black wolf, head lowered, approaches an ancient tree, thick-trunked and bare-limbed; it looks like a beech. It’s winter; there’s a heavy crust on the snow with a light dusting of new snow over it; the wolf walks on the crust and leaves only faint footprints. A longsword leans against the trunk of the tree; its pommel is formed of a rounded dark blue stone held in bird-claws. The wolf appears to be both curious about and suspicious of the sword. Conifers run dark along the horizon. The night sky is streaked with northern lights. The style is slightly stylized, oil-painting-like, with very saturated colours, and was painted digitally in many, many layers using a Wacom tablet. (Art by K. V. Johansen.)
Reposted by James Enge

Y’all! Confronting Identities in the Roman Empire: Assumptions about the Other in Literary Evidence by José Luís Brandão , Cláudia Teixeira and Ália Rodrigues is open access! (=free to read).

Cover: Confronting Identities in the Roman Empire: Assumptions about the Other in Literary Evidence by
JosÊ Luís Brandão , Clåudia Teixeira and Ália Rodrigues

^ conspiracy My keyboard is plotting against me. It also controls the weather, I’ve recently realized.


Sed nihil est tam incredibile, quod non dicendo fiat probabile. --Cicero, _Paradoxes_. "There is nothing so unbelievable that it may not become probable by putting it into words." Fantasists and cospiracy theorists live by this saying, even if they've never heard it. #EverythingIsBetterWithLatin

Reposted by James Enge

New: Major newspapers are giving Trump’s federal criminal indictment a fraction of the coverage they gave former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server in 2016

Image is of a chart.

Media Matters reviewed print coverage in five newspapers — Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post — for stories mentioning Trump’s indictment in the week following U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan’s October 2 unsealing of special counsel Jack Smith’s latest filing, which reveals damning new evidence of the former president’s alleged crimes. 

We found the papers ran 26 combined articles mentioning Trump’s indictment in the week after the unsealing of Smith’s filing. But those same papers published 100 combined articles — nearly 4 times as many — that mentioned Clinton’s server in the week after then-FBI Director James Comey’s notorious October 28, 2016, letter on new developments in that probe, as we documented in a 2016 study.

Reposted by James Enge

Occurs to me that part of the reason why NYT/Politico/et al are mad about their lack of access to Harris is because without access the political desk is totally adrift. There’s shockingly little capacity to, say, read campaign policy papers and find the story in there.

Reposted by James Enge

IT IS ACCOMPLISHED. I was the 158th person in my county to vote. Ohio, you can early vote starting today, check with your local election board for times.

Me, being all smug for having voted.
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James Enge
Classics by day; sword-and-sorcery by night. The other way 'round sometimes.
371 followers288 following814 posts