James Hupp
I'm losing my edge to the teens from everywhere in giant jeans and borrowed nostalgia for the unremembered nineties.
116 followers87 following545 posts
Reposted by James Hupp

Dick Cheney is the supervillain most responsible for my political awakening. Cool, so what? It’s good to try to win. And anyone who thinks there are no conservatives who can change their minds is a bubble person who has never known any conservatives

Reposted by James Hupp

As John Dickerson likes to point out, it's not just debates but the entire exercise of campaigning that is a poor proxy for actual presidential job performance. And it's only gotten worse as we've turned the whole thing into more of a spectacle.

Reposted by James Hupp

People love to talk about how awful theater kids are, and they’re not wrong, but let’s be real, debate kids have made this country a lot worse

Reposted by James Hupp

the media just unblinkingly accepts a recession-indicuing, ultra-fashy deportation scheme is a housing relief plan now

Reposted by James Hupp

It amazes me how little NY Dems have learned from the last oh, idk, decade. Their basic errors arguably lost the state its fair representation in Congress and cost the party the House in 2022, along with a host of more local tragedies. And the same leaders are still there making the same mistakes.

Reposted by James Hupp

Americans are about to experience their quadrennial re-introduction to the creaky machinery we call the "Electoral College," and so I renew my pledge to journalists: Please stop describing Congress's role in the process as "certifying" the results!

Advocacy groups urge Congress to commit to certifying election results
Advocacy groups urge Congress to commit to certifying election results

The appeal comes as former president Donald Trump lays the groundwork to again challenge the outcome of the vote should he lose his bid to return to the White House.

Reposted by James Hupp

A local politics thing about which I am weirdly passionate is that money generated from fines should go into the topline city budget, not the specific budget of whatever department levied the fines

James Hupp
I'm losing my edge to the teens from everywhere in giant jeans and borrowed nostalgia for the unremembered nineties.
116 followers87 following545 posts