James Antony
asst prof of cog neuro at cal poly | dad | formerly uc davis, princeton, northwestern, lawrence | graying child | he/him | blm | dm for papers
230 followers295 following20 posts

me too! 🙂


Lastly, here’s a quote: “Time is short and it doesn’t return again. It is slipping away while I write this and while you read it, and the monosyllable of the clock is loss, loss, loss, unless you devote your heart to its opposition.” -T. Williams + a song: Thanks for reading!

Set Adrift on Memory Bliss (Re-Recorded)
Set Adrift on Memory Bliss (Re-Recorded)

Listen to Set Adrift on Memory Bliss (Re-Recorded) on Spotify. Song · P.M. Dawn · 2013


Major thanks to my stellar advisors for their guidance! This paper involved a very new technique (comp modeling) / research area for me. I was allowed long stretches of time just to read papers and piece things together, which is a nice self-reminder to try to practice slow science. 18/


That is, information repeated hourly and then not again will likely only be important for the next few hours-days. But information repeated monthly could be important for months-years. This arrangement allows for optimizing storage according to temporal regularity. 17/


(See the paper for many more model dissections!) So, why does this happen? Is it just a quirk of the brain? We argue that, given computational constraints, it may be optimal to strengthen memories according to their temporal regularity. … 16/


We found temporal abstraction by training the model w/ a range of ISIs (increasing powers of 2). Increasing ISIs resulted in greater strengthening in slower-drifting pools from EC-CA3. This helps retain memory access for longer according to the temporal regularity of training. 15/

Left: Depiction of weights between the entorhinal cortex and area CA3 in various temporal context pools. Right: Greater weight strengthening occurred in slower drifting pools with increasing ISIs.

Drift in this scenario (left) ⬆️ memory most at long RIs (middle), including w/ fully scrambled temporal contexts (final data point). Thus, drift ⬆️ memory even w/o contextual support. As predicted, drift ⬆️ error between model predictions and outcomes, as shown in hippocampal area CA3 (right). 14/

Left: Depiction of modeling paradigm for cases with and without drift.
Middle: Drift improved memory performance, especially at long RIs and with a fully scrambled temporal context.
Right: Error in hippocampus area CA3 in the model was greater in the drift than no drift condition.

Decontextualization can be shown by testing one model with drift between epochs vs. another without drift. (The latter is biologically impossible, but also how most neural networks learn!) 13/


The relationship between ISI:RI is therefore non-monotonic, as exemplified by these findings (left) whereby the optimum ISI increases with increasing RI. Our model (right) captured these properties beautifully. (See the paper for other spacing effect simulations!) 12/

Left: Behavioral data from Cepeda et al. (2008) showing non-monotonic spacing effects. 
Middle: Model training overview, including the amount of drift between training examples (ISI) and afterwards (RI).
Right: Modeling simulation results.

Then we simulated various spacing effect findings. One peculiarity of the spacing effect is that more spacing is not ALWAYS better: with short retention intervals (RIs) before tests, often short interstimulus intervals (ISIs) are better. 11/

James Antony
asst prof of cog neuro at cal poly | dad | formerly uc davis, princeton, northwestern, lawrence | graying child | he/him | blm | dm for papers
230 followers295 following20 posts