Jason Hickel
Professor at ICTA-UAB and Visiting Senior Fellow at LSE • Author of THE DIVIDE and LESS IS MORE • Global inequality, political economy and ecological economics
4.8k followers103 following147 posts

Extremely important graphic. Israeli forces have killed more people in Lebanon (purple) than Hezbollah has killed in Israel (yellow) over the past year, by orders of magnitude.


In 1974, the UN General Assembly suspended South Africa for the crime of apartheid. This year, the General Assembly must apply the same punishment to Israel.


Welcome, Brazilian comrades!


AOC amplifying the lie that Biden/Harris are working for a ceasefire in Gaza is truly obscene. This narrative is propaganda cover for genocide, which Biden/Harris are actively supporting, and AOC is carrying water for them. Disgusting and obscene.


I wrote this piece about how a public job guarantee + universal services enables us to overcome problems that a basic income alone cannot. Please tell me what you think in the comments below. 👇

The Limits of Basic Income
The Limits of Basic Income

Providing people with cash payments has benefits, but guaranteed employment and public services are a better option for transforming our economy.


The global North net-imports 826 billion hours of labour from the global South every year—more than what is provided by the entire workforce of the United States and Europe combined.

Rich countries drain ‘shocking’ amount of labor from the Global South
Rich countries drain ‘shocking’ amount of labor from the Global South

Workers in the Global South—from farm workers to scientists—power the world economy but face a yawning wage gap


The narrative that market liberalization in China caused extreme poverty to decline is incorrect. OECD data shows poverty in the 1980s was very low, when most socialist systems were still intact, while liberalization in the 90s caused it to worsen dramatically.

Capitalist reforms and extreme poverty in China: unprecedented progress or income deflation?
Capitalist reforms and extreme poverty in China: unprecedented progress or income deflation?

It is widely believed that China's socialist economy had relatively high rates of extreme poverty while the capitalist reforms of the 1980s and 1990s delivered rapid progress. This narrative relies...


These are striking results. Economists have long insisted that the only way to improve life satisfaction is through economic growth. This new data shows that many small-scale societies around the world have higher life satisfaction than even the richest countries.


In this new paper we calculate the unequal exchange of labour between the global North and global South. The results are quite staggering. You'll want to look at this... 🧵


We have *extraordinary* productive capacities. If we had democratic control over production and organized it around well-being, we could end poverty & ensure good living standards for everyone on the planet, with public luxury and scientific advancement. 👉

How much growth is required to achieve good lives for all? Insights from needs-based analysis
How much growth is required to achieve good lives for all? Insights from needs-based analysis

Some narratives in international development hold that ending poverty and achieving good lives for all will require every country to reach the levels …

Jason Hickel
Professor at ICTA-UAB and Visiting Senior Fellow at LSE • Author of THE DIVIDE and LESS IS MORE • Global inequality, political economy and ecological economics
4.8k followers103 following147 posts