Jason Hickel
Professor at ICTA-UAB and Visiting Senior Fellow at LSE • Author of THE DIVIDE and LESS IS MORE • Global inequality, political economy and ecological economics
4.9k followers103 following147 posts

This research shows that rich countries are responsible for massive deforestation embodied in their consumption. On a per capita basis, Canada is responsible for 15x more deforestation than China, the USA is responsible for 40x more deforestation than India, etc.


but US backed NGO are more active in India saving forest


This data may not consider reforestation. Yet, reforestation cannot replace the ecological systems of old-growth forests and their related social relations. Sweden is interesting. Despite reforestation, old growth forests are being destroyed at a high rate. Also, young trees absorb much less CO2.

‘Forests are not renewable’: the felling of Sweden’s ancient trees
‘Forests are not renewable’: the felling of Sweden’s ancient trees

Forests cover 70% of the country, but many argue the Swedish model of replacing old-growth forests with monoculture plantations is bad for biodiversity


More evidence that apparent environmental Kuznets curves are illusory as conservation improvements within rich countries typically are only fueled by increased impact elsewhere. It's basically the Second Law of Thermodynamics, and a two Kuznets curve is a perpetual motion machine.

Jason Hickel
Professor at ICTA-UAB and Visiting Senior Fellow at LSE • Author of THE DIVIDE and LESS IS MORE • Global inequality, political economy and ecological economics
4.9k followers103 following147 posts