Jay Rosen
I teach journalism at NYU, critique the press, try to suggest reforms. PressThink is the name of my subject and my site.
20.1k followers410 following902 posts

Been chuckling at this all morning. He seems not to realize that he's given the game away by allowing the official, agreed upon name of what they oppose to be... fact checking! So it comes across as, "Guys, we had a deal. Making stuff up is ALLOWED. Did you read that part?"


Vance seemed to me like an AI application in the early stages—slick but with misinformation as the underlying content. So many people buy the packaging of a Project 2025 Trumpian agenda because it's packaged in soothing words that are used to cover up the agenda. This was scary.


Is this also the first confirmation that CBS didn't just decide they wouldn't fact check, but that it was in the rules and thus probably borne out of Vance threatening to withdraw?


Plausible lying is the cornerstone of Republican public speaking.


For sure. This is a good and sobering read about it. One nugget: "Trump understands this instinctively. It’s why he dubbed any media story that criticized him “Fake news” so his supporters would believe him—and him alone—when it come to the truth."

JD Vance getting angry over being fact checked tells us how dangerous he is
JD Vance getting angry over being fact checked tells us how dangerous he is

Every debate going forward must have fact checking


All he had to do was say "we agreed you weren't going to interfere" and not only would he have not been made fun of, I think a lot of people might have agreed with him. But nope. He's an idiot.


It’s astonishing that this hasn’t gotten more press. Walz should’ve taken the opportunity to address the viewers directly: Is this what you want? A country that’s abandoned truth; an administration that lies & distorts facts like it breathes in order to retain power?

Jay Rosen
I teach journalism at NYU, critique the press, try to suggest reforms. PressThink is the name of my subject and my site.
20.1k followers410 following902 posts