Jeff Luszcz
New to Cambridge. Works in Open Source Licensing, OSPOs, M&A, SCA, SBOMs and Security Love my bike, electronics/Arduino/radio/rf and walkable cities!
141 followers826 following66 posts

Seeing what is happening in NC in the aftermath of the flooding is why I devoted so much time to Amateur Radio and the NERT program in San Francisco. When worst comes to worst, hand held radios or runners with paper are often all you can use when a large disaster happens and knocks out cdll service


Getting your ham license, getting connected with an organization like NERT/CERT and practicing are great ways to help your area if you live in a place with the potential for mass disaster. Communication complexity also puts us in danger even without a natural disaster. 911 can go down on a sunny day

Jeff Luszcz
New to Cambridge. Works in Open Source Licensing, OSPOs, M&A, SCA, SBOMs and Security Love my bike, electronics/Arduino/radio/rf and walkable cities!
141 followers826 following66 posts