Jeff Luszcz
New to Cambridge. Works in Open Source Licensing, OSPOs, M&A, SCA, SBOMs and Security Love my bike, electronics/Arduino/radio/rf and walkable cities!
141 followers826 following66 posts

You can see the hurricaneā€™s path on this ham radio transmission map. The path starts near the Florida panhandle and goes north. Lack of colored pins means lack of reported HF transmissions. Most HF would be for fun so not a surprise to see them missing beyond the obvious power and antenna damage.

Map showing colored pins on a map of the south eastern United States. A empty spot starting by the Florida pan handle goes north.

Not a lot of HF amateur radio digital coming out of Asheville, NC right now on right now.

Map showing lack of amateur radio stations near Asheville, NC from the  reporting service at

Getting your ham license, getting connected with an organization like NERT/CERT and practicing are great ways to help your area if you live in a place with the potential for mass disaster. Communication complexity also puts us in danger even without a natural disaster. 911 can go down on a sunny day


Seeing what is happening in NC in the aftermath of the flooding is why I devoted so much time to Amateur Radio and the NERT program in San Francisco. When worst comes to worst, hand held radios or runners with paper are often all you can use when a large disaster happens and knocks out cdll service

Reposted by Jeff Luszcz

This is part of why we're not hearing a lot from the path of the storm. They are fighting uphill into a disaster. :(

Reposted by Jeff Luszcz

ā€œA possible cluster of bird-flu infections in Missouri has grown to include eight people, in what may be the first examples of person-to-person transmission in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported on Friday.ā€

Possible Cluster of Human Bird-Flu Infections Expands in Missouri
Possible Cluster of Human Bird-Flu Infections Expands in Missouri

Seven people in contact with a patient hospitalized with bird flu also developed symptoms, the C.D.C. reported. Some are undergoing further tests.


Free Covid tests available from the US government again. Link to request here:

Reposted by Jeff Luszcz

NOAA just sent out a "rare news release" urging media to focus the public's attention on Hurricane Helene's potential to cause widespread flooding "hundreds of miles inland," including "the urban areas around Tallahassee, metro Atlanta and western North Carolina, including Asheville."NOAA just sent out a "rare news release" urging media to focus the public's attention on Hurricane Helene's potential to cause widespread flooding "hundreds of miles inland," including "the urban areas around Tallahassee, metro Atlanta and western North Carolina, including Asheville."


This was my favorite book in the elementary school library. I can remember the exact shelf and corner it was it held in. I used to draw that spaceship over and over and bought a copy for myself a couple years ago. Still is amazing!

Jeff Luszcz
New to Cambridge. Works in Open Source Licensing, OSPOs, M&A, SCA, SBOMs and Security Love my bike, electronics/Arduino/radio/rf and walkable cities!
141 followers826 following66 posts