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inventory management core
Just your friendly internet risk and safety enthusiast. Work: Security and privacy risk for individuals and small business. Widget design and manufacturing. I also like to write words and code, play the drums and look at photos of your cats.
51 followers194 following1.2k posts

thanks, news? if i'm ever in australia and want to have a beer, i guess i'll go to a different bank. if you had to hold your drink with your trading arm, there might be fewer scandals? maybe the word "bank" means something different a la BotNS? bloomberg doesn't have wolfe's prose talent.

Reposted by inventory management core

thanks to everyone out there wearing a mask


i usually drink bepis, i wonder if this tastes similar.

crystal pebis


the defense industry should kick a little lobbying money over to the hurricane victims, seeing as they benefit from the ongoing killing and destruction (in the middle east and elsewhere). relief workers shouldn't have raytheon patches like nascar drivers though, just high vis yellow and orange.


oh right, hurricane season. more than the one big one. fuck. climate change might be on an irreversible bad path for a while, any mitigations will have a delayed effect of years to decades, but in the mean time let's do something about infrastructure and building safety for the present age.


they make gamer rgbs for automotive dashboards now. i know that ground effects have been a thing for a long time, but interiors are a whole other level. are cars video games? looking into it shortly. this $2 one is going to be installed indoors, near other gamer objects probably. #pakiges

small black cardboard box labelled: vehicle intelligent lighting system.
Reposted by inventory management core

App State, in Boone, NC, was hit by Hurricane Helene. Students, faculty and staff are experiencing significant hardships. Many have lost their homes and their transportation. If you’d like to help, visit


if the one post you make about the present disaster impacting large numbers of people is suggesting they should vote a certain way, maybe don't post at all. not everything is an opportunity to cheer for your favorite politics team and boo the opposing fans who are dying and/or without their homes


i would extend this to say there are no good ideological justifications for violence, religious or otherwise. the handful i can think of are are based on extant material conditions/social relations/power imbalance and the like.

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inventory management core
Just your friendly internet risk and safety enthusiast. Work: Security and privacy risk for individuals and small business. Widget design and manufacturing. I also like to write words and code, play the drums and look at photos of your cats.
51 followers194 following1.2k posts