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Jonatan Hildén
Information designer from Helsinki. Co-founder of Koponen+Hildén Co-author of the Data visualization handbook / Tieto nÀkyvÀksi (Finnish edition)
654 followers282 following1.2k posts
Reposted by Jonatan Hildén

In honor of National Poetry Day, one of the all time classics.


Learning from your peers is good. Today one student in my class learned from a friend that you can build charts with the chart tool in Illustrator, instead of manually tracing point by point. Said student was impressed when I showed that it also is possible to copy charts from Excel.

Reposted by Jonatan Hildén

Happy birthday Steve Reich appy birthday Steve Reich H ppy birthday Steve Reich Ha py birthday Steve Reich Hap y birthday Steve Reich Happ birthday Steve Reich Happy irthday Steve Reich Happy b rthday Steve Reich Happy bi thday Steve Reich Happy bir

Reposted by Jonatan Hildén

Tempted to post this to the local group of graphic design hobbyists, which arguably inspired the meme


Teach a man to fish, 
and you feed him for a lifetime. (vaguely art deco fishing clip art)

Teach a man to spot bad kerning 
and you have now created another super annoying
dude (annoyed yellow emoji with transparency grid clip art)

Liberals like infographics and are up at night 📊 Via

The young managers of the troll farm's American division based theit strategies on their notions of different habits across the U.S. political spec-trum. Aslanov and his assistants decided, for instance, that infographics worked better with liberals than with conservatives," and that liberals were more active at night, while conservatives got up earlier in the morning.

I did a dna test and while it was mildly interesting I’m starting to think the whole thing is close to a scam, leaning heavily on Human Genome Project era concepts that basically have turned out to be baseless hype. Read ‘s “How life works” for some background on that.


Reading Pullman’s ”His Dark Materials” for the kid now and it strikes me how much better it is than Harry Potter. Everything is better than HP. Reinforces my pet theory that Rowling’s runaway success built on writing essentially ready-made fanfic precisely during the big rise of internet fandoms.


Onko suunnitelmia siitÀ, miten estetÀÀn tÀmÀn perumista heti seuraavien kuntavaalien jÀlkeen? Puolueet ja edustajat, jotka kannattavat parempia kÀvelyolosuhteita tulisivat pitÀÀ tÀmÀn esillÀ pelkÀÀmÀttÀ ÀÀnekÀstÀ autolobby-vÀhemmistöÀ.

Autoilu | PÀÀtös Helsingin Kaivokadusta syntyi yhden ÀÀnen erolla
Autoilu | PÀÀtös Helsingin Kaivokadusta syntyi yhden ÀÀnen erolla

PÀÀtös Kaivokadun muuttamisesta joukkoliikennekaduksi syntyi Helsingin poliitikoilta hyvin niukalla ÀÀnten enemmistöllÀ.

Reposted by Jonatan Hildén

This picture from space really shows the awful reality so many are dealing with. The trail of destruction left by Hurricane #Helene#Photography#stormdamage

Space image of storm damage #NASA
Reposted by Jonatan Hildén

You never really forget how to misquote sayings. It’s like buying a bicycle

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Jonatan Hildén
Information designer from Helsinki. Co-founder of Koponen+Hildén Co-author of the Data visualization handbook / Tieto nÀkyvÀksi (Finnish edition)
654 followers282 following1.2k posts