27 followers57 following373 posts

Not quite sure which newspaper this is from, but regardless: all of this. Love Sandi Toksvig

especially angry by how many
"radical feminists" attack trans people.
"How could you be so white and privileged and heterosexual and never marginalised in your life yet you decide to punch down on people?"
I say they fear - for example - that trans women will occupy safe spaces meant for women, such as public lavatories. "I don't get this. I'm in my 45th year in showbusiness, travelling the country touring. I've been to every service-station toilet in the country.
Every one has a sign up saying male cleaners in attendance. I don't recall anybody saying, 'We need to group up against these male cleaners. Why would someone dress as a woman when they could just pick up a cleaning cloth? If it really bothers you there's a toilet some place else. Go there. Shut up. Let's join together and fight stuff that actually needs fighting. Why are they talking about this when women in Afghanistan are not allowed to sing or to look a man in the face? Who is benefiting from all this? The patriarchy

Well, my best work may not get the exposure it used to get on the hellsite formerly known as Twitter, but the seal of approval by an actual Capuchin monk for this made my week.


Delighted to have your seal of approval šŸ˜„


Unfortunately I will not be able to attend after all. My apologies, my initial enthusiasm was caused by a misreading of 'webinar' as 'winebar', under the circumstances I hope you understand


Still stunned that this absolute racket of using your customer as a 0% interest loan is legal. At one point Bulb were raising my DD all year round on either the pretext that it was summer and I was ā€œsavingā€ for winter or it was winter and ā€œitā€™s about to get really coldā€


Itā€™s only a cappuccino if itā€™s made by a Capuchin monk. Otherwise itā€™s just a frothy coffee.


Dr Jess Wade has written, and worked on this, quite extensively and provides clarity for many of the arguments that put us into this position, and clarifies our complicity: "I don't understand how scientists and engineers have been okay with it for so long." šŸ§Ŗ

Text: What are the main challenges women face in STEM?
Historically, academic careers hasn't been very compatible with having caring responsibilities (for example children or looking after elderly parents), which are often taken on by women. Moreover, systemic bias is an ongoing problem. Women (and people of colour) are less likely to get a big research grant or a fellowship, and they are less likely to be nominated for an award, and their papers are less likely to be accepted or cited in leading journals. Although academia knows this ā€“ and the data backs it up ā€“ we still use grants, awards, and citations as a proxy for scientific excellence. These figures of merit ultimately determine whether someone becomes a professor. It's like we have this really broken system that perpetuates this privilege: the more privileged you are, the more opportunities you'll get, and those opportunities make you even more privileged..."

One small satisfying thing today: got followed by some reply guy, and didnā€™t think twice about blocking him. God I love being free of the feeling of obligation to humour these dicksplashes.


I had a splendid weekend - genuinely one of my best all year - and an absolutely shit Monday and Tuesday. My mental health is much more resilient than it used to be (thanks in part to now knowing how my brain works) but still. Fuck.

27 followers57 following373 posts