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Joyce Reynolds-Ward
Writer of speculative fiction from the wide open spaces. Rural liberal. Dispenser of horse cookies to the Desert Prince and Grumpy Old Mare. Former special ed teacher who's forgotten more about cognitive assessment than most people knew. #SFWA
570 followers485 following3k posts

oh dear ghod my new release trilogy is science fantasy neoWestern. Had a romantasy author sneering at my covers, but...even my fantasy has neoWestern elements.


Why would someone sneer at your covers! Rude person. Other genres exist...ppl can write what they want. We are artists and free!

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Joyce Reynolds-Ward
Writer of speculative fiction from the wide open spaces. Rural liberal. Dispenser of horse cookies to the Desert Prince and Grumpy Old Mare. Former special ed teacher who's forgotten more about cognitive assessment than most people knew. #SFWA
570 followers485 following3k posts