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Katherine Copsey
Victorian Greens Member for the Southern Metro Region in the Victorian Parliament. Standing up for people and planet 🌏 She/her.
44 followers16 following207 posts

I was proud to stand with families and staff from Windsor Community Children’s Centre on the steps of parliament yesterday. We’re calling on Victorian Labor to protect public land, say no to rezoning and save this vital and vibrant community asset!

A group of people in green t-shirts hold green signs with slogans like "Education, not development!", "Save our childcare", "Stop the rezoning" and "Protect public land". Amongst this group are three MPs, Ryan Batchelor, Sam Hibbins and Katherine Copsey. All are standing on the steps of the Victorian Parliament.

Why is the Labor government demolishing and privatising thousands of public homes when so many people need a place to live? Tune into the Parliamentary Debate live at 5:45pm to hear Labor’s response:

A tile reading "Save public housing - tune into the parliamentary debate 5.45pm - link in bio". The top half of the background shows public housing towers, while the bottom half shows Greens MP Samantha Ratnam speaking in the Victorian Legislative Council chamber.

Today, Victorian Labor announced they will work with Federal Labor to implement social media bans for young people, below 14-16. Just recently, Victorian Labor walked back their commitment to #RaiseTheAge of criminal responsibility to 14. Too young for TikTok, but not for prison.

A black tile with greyscale images of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan. In a mixture of orange and white text, the tile reads "Labor says: Kids too young for TikTok but not for prison."
A black tile with orange and white text reading "Victorian Labor recently walked back their commitment to raise the age of criminal responsibility to 14. Meanwhile...Victorian and Federal Labor have announced social media bans for young people, with the proposed age being below 14-16. If they're too young for social media they're too young for prison."

More disappointment from Labor. They’ve gone even softer on gas: they won’t phase out gas cooktops, but they will encourage more offshore gas projects! It's the opposite of what we should be doing, and it means more emissions, higher bills, and worse air quality in our homes.

A Herald Sun headline from 09 September 2024, reading "Allan government softens electrification push, excludes gas cooktops from road map." 
The background image shows the blue and orange flames and associated haze from a gas cooktop

I'm thrilled to welcome the wonderful Anasina Gray-Barberio to the Victorian Greens team!

A selfie with new Victorian Greens MP for Northern Metropolitan, Anasina Gray-Barberio, and Greens MP for Southern Metropolitan, Katherine Copsey

Great to be out at Elsternwick Station this morning, talking to commuters about what can be done to improve public transport! Sign up to support more frequent trains, trams and buses:

Katherine Copsey MP taking a selfie with two volunteers, on the street in front of Elsternwick Station

Today is #WearItPurpleDay, a day to bring awareness to LGBTQIA+ young people and challenge harmful social cultures. The recent backflips on LGBTQIA+ policy from the federal Labor government demonstrate why these days are still so important. We will continue to fight for all of you.

Text reading "This Wear It Purple, the annual LGBTQIA+ awareness day, we still need to raise awareness about sexuality, sex and gender identity and challenge harmful social cultures." Background is purple with a rainbow flowing through from left to right.
Text reading "Lets look at what was promised only 2 years ago" below a scrap of paper showing a headline in The Conversation from June 2022, reading "Will things be better for LGBTIQ+ people under Labor? Here's what the new government has promised." The date of the article is underlined and has an arrow pointing to it.
Text reading "Have Federal Labor delivered their two key LGBTQIA+ promises?" 
A big red X next to a box reading "Count all LGBTIQ+ people in the next census (in 2026)." 
Another big red X next to a box reading "Amend anti-discrimination laws so that all students are protected from discrimination on any grounds, and all teachers are protected from discrimination at work." 
Text reading "No, both have been abandoned"
Text reading "Labor scrapped their promise because Queer rights are 'too divisive'." 
A photo of senior Labor figures like Anthony Albanese and Tanya Plibersek marching at Pride. 
Text reading "Not 'too divisive' for photo ops though", with an arrow pointing to the photo.

Reports indicate there will be no charges following a WorkSafe investigation into the death in custody of Veronica Nelson. My heart goes out to Veronica's family and loved ones. We stand with you in still seeking #JusticeForVeronica and Poccum's Law.


Share your supermarket price horror stories with us. What grocery items do you think should be declared as essential?


Victorians are struggling to afford essentials while Coles & Woolworths rake in billions in profit. That's why the Greens have introduced a bill to stop supermarket price gouging, giving the essential services commission the power to set a max profit margin on essential groceries.

"What grocery items are essential?" 
Decorative images of milk, broccoli, bread and pasta.
"You told us what you want to see regulated:" 
A bar graph with "Fresh Fruit and Veggies" the longest, "Bread" second longest, "Meat and Fish" third, and "Rice and Grains" fourth". 
"+ more"
"We've just done our first reading of this" with an arrow pointing towards a piece of paper reading "Supermarket Industry Bill 2024". 
"This will" with an arrow pointing to a piece of paper reading "Declare food as an essential item and give the Essential Services Commission the ability to step in and stop supermarket price gouging."
"Coles and Woolworths just recorded billions in profit. It is time to stop supermarket price gouging."
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Katherine Copsey
Victorian Greens Member for the Southern Metro Region in the Victorian Parliament. Standing up for people and planet 🌏 She/her.
44 followers16 following207 posts