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Kate Merkel-Hess
Historian of Modern China. Books: Women and Their Warlords (2024), The Rural Modern (2016). China, history, books, feminism, COVID & chronic illness.
226 followers273 following68 posts
Reposted by Kate Merkel-Hess

I'm super uncomfortable with a religion prof (even if he's a longtime instructor) present such a complex subject as a binary (agree or disagree with the scope of diagnoses) as well as reducing the dis/ability conversation to a question of whether The Kids These Days are chasing ADHD diagnoses. (1/?)

Reposted by Kate Merkel-Hess

Everything in this article is offensive, not least of which is the fact that the author offers no pedagogical solutions like universal design. We need disability justice in higher ed, not more gatekeeping and pearl clutching.

Do Colleges Provide Too Many Disability Accommodations?
Do Colleges Provide Too Many Disability Accommodations?

Higher ed’s maximally inclusive approach hurts those it attempts to help.


This is why I read it too. Just got madder the more I read.


YES. Thank you. I saw this (as their top story!) this morning, read it, and was just like, I can’t. I’m not a specialist in this area of research, but saw so many problems, assumptions, etc. it’s a real choice on CHE’s part to run it and feature it.


Reading Private Revolutions: Four Women Face China's New Social Order by Yuan Yang. Listening to Empress: The Astonishing Reign of Nur Jahan by Ruby Lal. Both great.

Cover for the book "Private Revolutions: Four Women Face China's New Social Order" by Yuan Yang. Depicts four women seated on a dock over the water with a mountain in the background.

I teach that subject, and it's not uncommon for students to hold that belief before we've reviewed the history.

Reposted by Kate Merkel-Hess

Can't believe I had to write this. But given the upswing in anti-vax sentiment in the US and the low vaccination rates for COVID and flu (and the under-vaccination of kids for some infections), it has to be said loud and clear. Vaccines work. Get yours today.

Vaccines Work!
Vaccines Work!

Want an easy way to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your community? Make sure you get your shots.


Would read.

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Kate Merkel-Hess
Historian of Modern China. Books: Women and Their Warlords (2024), The Rural Modern (2016). China, history, books, feminism, COVID & chronic illness.
226 followers273 following68 posts