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Arseny Khakhalin
Senior Data Scientist in Berlin. Former Bard College prof. For my after-work alter-ego, see Support Ukraine! 🇺🇦
289 followers186 following1.7k posts

So I'm sorry George, but no, propaganda didn't quite got me haha. I'm just reflecting on the easy-to-observe misalignment between financial market behavior and practical investments in all sorts of high-tech :)


On "impossible to move" - I mean, it is possible, but it is way harder than 10-20 years ago. The market is too high, the development is too low, for no good reason. I said nothing about investment of ppl :) I meant that R&D is stagnating for no good reason. And I would know haha, as I work in it


Sure, the metric is very high, and the metric is not exactly _bad_ per se, but still it feels like it is a wrong metric to optimize. We're optimizing a wrong target. And people are mad at that, even if they can't quite verbalize it.


I'm guessing people (at least some of them) are responding to the obvious disconnect between "housing prices have never been higher" and "it's impossible for a person to move or invest", as well as "corporate profits are roaring" and "people are laid off and long-term investments are not happening"


Thanks! It's super-interesting to see these "general principles" (when they make sense of course! And these do make sense :) It's interesting what principles are shared across domains and business cases; which ones are really more organizational than area-specific.

Reposted by Arseny Khakhalin

One of the red flags when looking at product pricing is if the unit they bill by doesn't make a lot of sense. For example, some off-the-shelf video products like Cloudflare Stream bill per minute of video delivered, not per byte. A minute of low quality video _should_ be much cheaper to deliver tho.


So what's the optimal soft spot? On a scale from "code it all yourself" to "prepackaged solution", how to find the optimal level? Or conversely, if you are writing a tool for others, how to pick the right level of abstraction to sell it?

Reposted by Arseny Khakhalin

Sometimes I entertain myself with finding more fellow developers on this platform. Feeds and starter packs in all glory, but this post is also a nugget.

Reposted by Arseny Khakhalin

Heads up! A new comet is already bright enough to see naked eye and may be a show stopper in a couple of weeks! 🔭🧪

Will Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS Be the Brightest of the Year?
Will Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS Be the Brightest of the Year?

Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) could soon shine very bright in Earth’s skies

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Arseny Khakhalin
Senior Data Scientist in Berlin. Former Bard College prof. For my after-work alter-ego, see Support Ukraine! 🇺🇦
289 followers186 following1.7k posts