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Arseny Khakhalin
Senior Data Scientist in Berlin. Former Bard College prof. For my after-work alter-ego, see Support Ukraine! 🇺🇦
289 followers186 following1.7k posts

I'm guessing people (at least some of them) are responding to the obvious disconnect between "housing prices have never been higher" and "it's impossible for a person to move or invest", as well as "corporate profits are roaring" and "people are laid off and long-term investments are not happening"


Two of those things you just listed are straightforwardly lies. “It’s impossible for a person to move or invest” is just a made up claim and as for investment, we are literally in the midst of a world historic factory construction boom. The propaganda got you Arseny!!


Sure, the metric is very high, and the metric is not exactly _bad_ per se, but still it feels like it is a wrong metric to optimize. We're optimizing a wrong target. And people are mad at that, even if they can't quite verbalize it.

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Arseny Khakhalin
Senior Data Scientist in Berlin. Former Bard College prof. For my after-work alter-ego, see Support Ukraine! 🇺🇦
289 followers186 following1.7k posts