Lurk Murdy
"We live in capitalism, its power seems inescapable - but then, so did the divine right of kings" Ursula K LeGuin "The Nazis changed but they never went away" Chumba "He sees the bright and hollow sky" my people "Cuddle us" my kitties
1k followers2.7k following4.7k posts

3) Pertussis [Whooping cough] vax. If you got usual childhood vax [I did!] you likely got "DPT". "P" stands for "Pertussis": whooping cough. aka "100 day cough". Pertussis vax can lose efficacy. Who knew? I didn't: and got it from a patient. My vax wore off. 0/10 do *not* recommend whooping cough.


4) Shingles vaccine. Shingles is reactivated chicken pox (varicella). Those who had cp are at risk of shingles: can come out when we're immunocompromised. Shingles is miserable *and* can have permanent consequences. This vax is two successive shots. Brief flu like sx may follow: shingles is worse.

Lurk Murdy
"We live in capitalism, its power seems inescapable - but then, so did the divine right of kings" Ursula K LeGuin "The Nazis changed but they never went away" Chumba "He sees the bright and hollow sky" my people "Cuddle us" my kitties
1k followers2.7k following4.7k posts