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Kiyara votes Sephiroth 2024
36 shi/hir multi fandom þimbo 🤍@vustex💜 🇺🇸➡️🇸🇪2025 Read my fanfiction and say nice things
430 followers1.4k following8.3k posts
Reposted by Kiyara votes Sephiroth 2024

thank you, very loud wolves at the zoo [ #furry#furries#furryart ]

Reposted by Kiyara votes Sephiroth 2024

Where are the space nerds at? New mini paintings & prints coming on Friday! Just sent out an email with more details about Friday’s update! If you’re not on the list, there is still plenty of time to join.🫡 Reasons to join: •social media is exhausting •early access & first dibs on art 🐡🔭

Mini painting of ingenuity and Percy on easel next to xenolith
Mini painting of pink and purple nebula on easel next to fake plant
Reposted by Kiyara votes Sephiroth 2024

Back after a bit! Gonna start sharing some of my photos from an Arkansas amphibian trip this past spring. First up are some my favorite salamanders, the Ouachita Mountain endemics. Here is the Rich Mountain Slimy salamander, Plethodon ouachitae. #herps

A small dark salamander along a lichen covered rock
A small dark salamander along a mossy sandstone rock
A small dark salamander along a lichen covered rock
Reposted by Kiyara votes Sephiroth 2024


Reposted by Kiyara votes Sephiroth 2024

Congrats on the 1.2k! 🎉 I'm a digital artist who enjoys drawing creatures in a nostalgic style

Digital illustration depicting a humanoid woman handing a flower to a giant, horned spirit. The spirit holds out their hand to accept the offering from her.

Below this illustration reads: “Marit had a gift for the spirit!”
A digital illustration in the style of a vintage storybook. At the edge of a forest, a girl wearing a hooded cardigan meets a long, slender creature. The girl reaches out her hand as if to touch the creature's snout.
A digital illustration in the style of old print. A large, two-headed beast with dark fur emerges from a cave. It lifts its heads to make eye contact with a redheaded child sitting above the cave’s entrance.
A digital illustration in the style of a block print. A humanoid figure wearing a red cloak stands next to a long, segmented creature that resembles a carrot. The creature’s body weaves in-and-out of dark bushes.
Reposted by Kiyara votes Sephiroth 2024

So with Cohost shutting down in about 24 hours, a note to every remaining social media site: You should totally rip off the "Following" pane. On the left: Everyone you follow, sorted by last post. Click a follow, and the right pane shows you their recent posts.

Reposted by Kiyara votes Sephiroth 2024

You can donate to grassroots recovery efforts via or Venmo @MutualAidDisasterRelief) who are already on the ground or local organizers (Venmo @AppMedSolid / CashApp $Streets1de with FLOOD SUPPORT in the memo) who care for our community all year round. 5/?

Mutual Aid Disaster Relief
Mutual Aid Disaster Relief

Recent events have shown that the effects of climate change are not distant fears, but current realities. From historic flooding to hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, pandemics, and more, we need each ot...

Reposted by Kiyara votes Sephiroth 2024

We're four days into the most significant natural disaster in the recorded history of our region. Our community is experiencing an ongoing crisis created by infrastructural collapse and the profound failure of capitalism to value and sustain life. 1/?

A photo of Firestorm Books' front door. Cardboard signs taped to the glass read: "Info & Resource Sharing, Daily 12-4. Please do not leave donations outside of this time frame. Community meetings @ 2pm around back in parking lot area. Community Board: Share info, requests, resources, etc." Inside the building piles of supplies are visible.
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Kiyara votes Sephiroth 2024
36 shi/hir multi fandom þimbo 🤍@vustex💜 🇺🇸➡️🇸🇪2025 Read my fanfiction and say nice things
430 followers1.4k following8.3k posts