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喬石言 were a stone to speak
Historical Chinese literature, poetry, and philosophy. Co-host Rereading the Stone podcast. Author, researcher, educator, etc.
207 followers232 following1k posts

My article For Typebar magazine Has been unpaywalled Yes YES You can read it for free now, but consider subscribing to the magazine

Reposted by 喬石言 were a stone to speak

Sadomasochism in Space: Lost Worlds of Gender Representation in 1980s Science-fiction Romance by

Sadomasochism in Space: Lost Worlds of Gender Representation in 1980s Science-fiction Romance by K. Michael Wilson

You ever read Flowers in the Attic? That's what capitalism is doing to your unconscious #deleuzepilled#Monday


"The Displaced Person" (1955) #Flannerysky#OConnorpilled

“Mrs. Shortley recalled a newsreel she had seen once of a small room piled high with bodies of dead naked people all in a heap, their arms and legs tangled together, a head thrust in here, a head there, a foot, a knee, a part that should have been covered up sticking out, a hand raised clutching nothing. Before you could realize that it was real and take it into your head, the picture changed and a hollow-sounding voice was saying, “Time marches on!” This was the kind of thing that was happening every day in Europe where they had not advanced as in this country, and watching from her vantage point, Mrs. Shortley had the sudden intuition that the Gobblehooks, like rats with typhoid fleas, could have carried all those murderous ways over the water with them directly to this place. If they had come from where that kind of thing was done to them, who was to say they were not the kind that would also do it to others? The width and breadth of this question nearly shook her. Her stomach [...]

you can tell the digestive state of a writer there are signs


full disclosure* but it's true, this is "full discourse" and it's not very important

Reposted by 喬石言 were a stone to speak

Everybody I know has been fairly blindsided by this, so maybe this is going to ring hollow, but I want trans women entering SFF to know that lots of us are in camp "fuck off, terfs." The transphobes don't speak for us.


mixed metaphor but whatever, we all do it

preemptive self-censorship. Behind every blockbuster spectacle with crossover appeal such as the 2019 film The Wandering Earth, and its prequel, both based on Liu stories-a darker, more ambiguous strain of speculative fiction struggles to make it into the light.

I suspect I'd like Han Song a lot better than Liu Cixin (whom, full discourse, I find basically unreadable), but this Hospital series sounds so relentlessly bleak... hard to bring myself to get "stuck in" such a world

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喬石言 were a stone to speak
Historical Chinese literature, poetry, and philosophy. Co-host Rereading the Stone podcast. Author, researcher, educator, etc.
207 followers232 following1k posts