Matt Stickland, bearded election elf
Political reporter for The Coast, co-host of Grand Parade and Wander Grounds. Previously: Founding editor of Committee Trawler, an NDP Candidate, Submariner, and Theater tech. DMs open, he/him.
298 followers142 following797 posts
Reposted by Matt Stickland, bearded election elf
Reposted by Matt Stickland, bearded election elf

Ugh they took the fluoride out of the water in Calgary in 2011 and now they're trying to put it back because...

4:26 57°


"We are concerned about avoidable and potentially life-threatening disease, pain, suffering, misery and expense experienced especially by very young children and their families due to dental decay," Dickinson said in an emailed statement.

"In just eight years after fluoridation ended in 2011, the need for intravenous antibiotic therapy by children to avoid death by infection rose 700 per cent at the Alberta Children's Hospital."

According to Dickinson, a recent University of Alberta study shows that for children under five years old, the rate of dental treatments under anesthesia doubled from 22 per 100,000 in 2010-11 to 45 per 100,000 in 2018-19.

For kids aged six to 11, the rates rose from 14 per 100,000 to 19 per 100,000.
Reposted by Matt Stickland, bearded election elf

If I was reading a history book about a nation that executed innocent people, allowed serious corruption within its judiciary to go unpunished, banned books on sexual autonomy, and featured a ranting autocrat promising to punish his political enemies, which nation am I reading about?

Reposted by Matt Stickland, bearded election elf

The ticketing blitz at Quinpool.and Armview shows: 1) how un-scaleable enforcement by police is 2) how absurdly high the base-rate of reckless/illegal driving is 3) the futility of sign-based traffic controls in the long-run What we will take away: hurr during, dummies!

Reposted by Matt Stickland, bearded election elf

Worthy community audit questions: -where can children and teens safely congregate in town? -what are the universe of social actions they can partake in? -to what extent do accessible spaces and places in this town afford connection with nature? Social media use is a symptom, not a cause.


He's a heavyweight for the same reason Fillmore is considered a favourite—name recognition.

Reposted by Matt Stickland, bearded election elf

London’s clean air zone was meant to reduce car pollution but also had another effect: more active kids. “Instead of being chauffeured to school by their parents, the students started walking, biking, scootering, or taking public transit.” []

London saw a surprising benefit to fining high-polluting cars: More active kids
London saw a surprising benefit to fining high-polluting cars: More active kids

Four in 10 London children stopped driving and started walking to school a year after the city’s clean air zone went into effect.


It's good for the city of Halifax but very bad for me personally that so many candidates in the upcoming municipal election took the questionnaire/exam so seriously.

Reposted by Matt Stickland, bearded election elf

"This article argues that the loss of professional expertise in coverage of local government has negative consequences for the quality of city politics because citizens become less informed about local policies and elections."

Matt Stickland, bearded election elf
Political reporter for The Coast, co-host of Grand Parade and Wander Grounds. Previously: Founding editor of Committee Trawler, an NDP Candidate, Submariner, and Theater tech. DMs open, he/him.
298 followers142 following797 posts