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Kelly Edwards ⚕️🚑
Cyclist. Coffee Enthusiast. Book Nerd. Travel junkie. Developing nation, rural, and disaster medical provider. Recovering Paramedic. Dirty Gen-X liberal / 80s punk. Mistakes were made. Bitter to the end.
231 followers196 following741 posts

So many times I remember this scene from the movie "And the Band Played On". It is disgusting how many times this scenario comes up.

And The Band Played On - Quote: More Profitable For You
And The Band Played On - Quote: More Profitable For You

YouTube video by fpzzuuulzgaxd


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Kelly Edwards ⚕️🚑
Cyclist. Coffee Enthusiast. Book Nerd. Travel junkie. Developing nation, rural, and disaster medical provider. Recovering Paramedic. Dirty Gen-X liberal / 80s punk. Mistakes were made. Bitter to the end.
231 followers196 following741 posts