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Lisa Yoder
Front-end developer. Sometimes writes. Former farm kid/Dairy Princess. Loves books, travel, coffee & cats. she/her
48 followers110 following31 posts

just got a third text message in less than three weeks from the school district regarding social media threats. this is my first year with a kid in real school. is this just how it is?? do i just somehow need to densensitize myself to this? i mean, truly, what the fuck

Reposted by Lisa Yoder

I will remember this exchange for as long as I live.


Looking for any DC recs that would be fun with a 5 and 3yo in early October. Restaurants, playgrounds, museums, etc. The Museum of Natural History is top of the list. We like fancy pizza, ice cream, coffee, pastries, etc. Whatcha got?


I would pay Class Dojo a one time five dollar fee to stop hassling me to upgrade to the premium subscription

Reposted by Lisa Yoder

I adore that it was someone’s job to have this cartoonishly large book made

Reposted by Lisa Yoder

If I could make a plea for BlueSky, it’s this: Please make a point of sharing links to articles, essays and more that you LOVE, that you enjoyed, that expanded you in some way. I’m always surprised by the dominance of hate-shares, complaint shares on here. And I think it has a riptide effect.

Reposted by Lisa Yoder

This is such next level fundraising. It’s just a whole other world. The subject line is “A giant bag of Doritos.” I’ve never seen anyone nail it at this level.

Paul, do you remember how you felt the day after Donald Trump was elected?

I do. It was election night for me as well.

It was incredibly bittersweet. When I took the stage for my acceptance speech -- to represent California in the Senate -- I tore up my notes. I just said, “We will fight.”

Then I went home and I sat on the couch with a family-sized bag of nacho Doritos. I did not share one chip with anybody. Not even Doug. I just watched the TV with utter shock and dismay.

Two things are true eight years later: I still love Doritos and we still have not stopped fighting.
Reposted by Lisa Yoder

I wish writers and artists would talk more about their day jobs. Not only would it help others feel better about not creating “art” for a living (so few of us can) but also offer ideas on how to pay bills and achieve some stability

Reposted by Lisa Yoder

a kinda remarkable thing i heard on ezra klein's podcast was Walz *literally* saying that free school meals are important bc "the inequal distribution of domestic labor still falls heavily on women." it's completely correct but someone that looks like him proactively bringing it up blew my mind

Reposted by Lisa Yoder

I just told the most southern backwoods plumber/construction guy you can ever imagine that I wrote romance novels and he replied, "that's good, we need people to write stories that ease the heart" WHAT IS HAPPENING OUT HERE DID TIM WALZ RESET THE TIMELINE AGAIN

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Lisa Yoder
Front-end developer. Sometimes writes. Former farm kid/Dairy Princess. Loves books, travel, coffee & cats. she/her
48 followers110 following31 posts