Mike W
Deputy Head | sociologist | serial planner and fixer
303 followers368 following23 posts

Did you feel that was the right decision? I'd be interested to know whether senior leaders invested the time in systems to tackle non-attendance and creating and implementing escalation rules. When it went back to teachers was attendance monitored centrally or left to individual teachers?


Thousands of teachers still giving up breaks, lunches and after school to supervise their own detentions. If this is your school, is it a committed decision by leaders or just a case of doing things the way they always have?

TeacherTapp results show 28% of respondents must oversee at least some detentions they set

Thank you, Adam, really timely. Lots of students told us that they are more motivated by regular communication and celebration of achievement points with their parents over big ticket rewards - we're going to make this a focus this year.


I think that's where local context is key. A lot of the discussion around state v private education is dominated by ideology but it can be as simple as choosing between two specific schools in your area and their provision, record and suitability


I also think we get a first-hand understanding of the impact of recruitment difficulties - if your local private school can demonstrate strong retention and comfortably filling vacancies then that's attractive compared to your child potentially being taught by non-specialists in key subjects


I think the sense of awe and wonder changes from 'wow that's magical' to 'wow, how do they do that?'. Maybe the challenge is maintaining an inquisitive mind when quick fix answers are so readily available. There is a sense of wonder in learning things more slowly and thoroughly

Reposted by Mike W

I’m relieved you’ve written that, it’s the same lines as my talk for rED…😂 Basically, good teaching is hard, but get it right and you’re generally inclusive. If you can master it, you will free up time for those who need very specific and targeted support. (With a few idea to cut workload)


Great words of wisdom for us in planning for the new term and not getting carried away believing things are better just because we want them to be or because we worked hard 'Getting a true sense of what the school is like takes time. Also, challenging one’s own assumptions and biases is hard'


I'm sceptical about the transition to online exams but this could be one area where we can speed up the marking/admin process and gets results earlier, at least for A-Levels.


100% this. Support for students is also inconsistent across schools, eg. Careers advisors, remark advice, guidance for parents. All depends on who is in and for how long - it's unfair that this depends on discretionary effort of staff who already give so much. Results in July = full support network.

Mike W
Deputy Head | sociologist | serial planner and fixer
303 followers368 following23 posts