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Maaike Verbruggen
PhD Researcher at CSDS, BSOG, VUB. Nederbelg in Brussel ☞ History & the Future║Emerging Technologies║Arms Control║Military Innovation║Environment║Bikes and Trains║Europe on long term sick leave, so don't expect anything NL/EN
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People with Long Covid or other PAIS and pre-existing pre-medicated ADHD: How did long covid change the effect of the medication for you? And how do you find the ADHD medication to affect your long covid? #pais#mecfs#adhd#neisvoid


Voor ik LC kreeg was ik blij met de medicatie, het hielp me goed. Erna kreeg ik meer last van de bijwerkingen en zorgde de efficiëntie die ik ervan kreeg dat ik niet genoeg rust kon pakken en mezelf zieker en heel onrustig voelde. Toen ik gestopt was met de medicatie voelde ik me veel rustiger

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From what I've read patient experience from people with CFS/ME is divided on the efficacy of stimulants, and it seems to vary greatly as to whether someone perceives a benefit outweighing the possible side effects. A more common effect and use that I've seen is indeed temporary reducing brain fog.


It flat-out didn’t work for me for a few years post-2020, this last year it works occasionally, if I’m not in flareup. If I’m in PEM it does nothing.


I am asking cause my psychiatrist has no idea about long covid and is not comfortable trying out anything - meanwhile my ADHD has gotten worse due to being stuck at home sick, but my ADHD meds do really seem to help my brain fog , but i can't find proper information and guidance on this


I had to go off meds for a couple of years because I didn't have insurance when I got sick and stayed sick. I had concerns that LC had affected cognitive function but getting back on adderall helped most of those concerns and probably still helps some with ongoing fatigue.

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Maaike Verbruggen
PhD Researcher at CSDS, BSOG, VUB. Nederbelg in Brussel ☞ History & the Future║Emerging Technologies║Arms Control║Military Innovation║Environment║Bikes and Trains║Europe on long term sick leave, so don't expect anything NL/EN
5.2k followers8k following18.7k posts