Matt Pearce
May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house.
4.5k followers455 following210 posts

Journalism has a publisher solidarity problem, and journalists should learn from our friends in Hollywood facing similar issues.

Journalists experience their own similarly damaging version of Hollywood's fractiousness. The owners, managers, experts and scholars debating the direction of the news industry can barely agree with each other on what the basic problems of journalism even are. Everybody knows we've been going broke. But is it because of bad editorial decisions? Stuffy adherence to view-from-nowhere reporting? Journalists got too lefty or woke or whatever? Catered to fascists? Was it an under-reliance on subscription models? Over-reliance on paywalls? The future of news should be philanthropically funded / no it won't?
There are vivid arguments and titantic egos attached to each of these positions, and they make for some interesting conference panels. But what workers can see is that the incoherence of their own bosses drives a
powerful collective inertia on matters of industrial policy when intervention becomes necessary at the bargaining table or the legislature. And when that happens, it's workers who get hurt first and worst.

Matt Pearce
May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house.
4.5k followers455 following210 posts