The Mekon. That old "can do" attitude.....
Square pegs have more fun.
1 followers10 following31 posts


Reposted by The Mekon. That old "can do" attitude.....

Trump's communications director tried to use Seven Nation Army for one of his scampaign videos and got this from Jack White. The Trumper's post has since been deleted.

"Oh....Don't even think about using my music you fascists. Law suit coming from my lawyers about this (to add to your 5 thousand others.) Have a great day at work today Margo Martin. And as long as I'm here, a double fuck you DonOLD for insulting our nation's veterans at Arlington you scum. You should lose every military family's vote immediately from that if ANYTHING makes sense anymore." -Jack White

I'm quit chuffed with this one. Totally untouched. Just as it came out of the camera.

Reposted by The Mekon. That old "can do" attitude.....

August 6th is a few days away here in Hiroshima. You'll be seeing a lot of articles about the nuclear attacks on Hiroshima & Nagasaki these next few days. Here is an article to help frame how people talk about this history:

The American Narrative of Hiroshima is a Statue that Must be Toppled
The American Narrative of Hiroshima is a Statue that Must be Toppled

In August 1945, the United States attacked two cities in Japan with nuclear weapons in the last days of World War Two. The US used weapons of mass

Reposted by The Mekon. That old "can do" attitude.....

if i am reading this correctly, Trump’s AG shut down an investigation into whether candidate Trump took a $10 million bribe from the Egyptian government? a bribe that may well have enabled him to spend critical dollars in the last weeks of the 2016 campaign?

$10M cash withdrawal drove secret probe into whether Trump took money from Egypt
$10M cash withdrawal drove secret probe into whether Trump took money from Egypt

Then political appointees shut the case down.

Reposted by The Mekon. That old "can do" attitude.....

Missed the twist that the ‘dark oxygen’ discovery was partially funded by one of the deep sea mining companies (HT Petulantly declaring it nonsense rather than calling for more research, then knifing them through proxies is extremely novice evil businessmen, though.


Strategic inefficiency. It's planned to look deniable.


Oh dear. So the former asset (i.e. the debt) on the government ledger, becomes a debt in the government's books, being a debt to itself. Net zero. Anything it paid to third parties will be caught back in tax (Panama, Bahamas etc based companies excepted of course).

The Mekon. That old "can do" attitude.....
Square pegs have more fun.
1 followers10 following31 posts