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Morpheus Ravenna
Part time werewolf, full time screeching banshee. Artist, ritual tattooist, sorcerer, Celtic polytheist spiritworker. Queer, genderfluid, feminist, antifascist & antiracist. LAND BACK. sĆ­ / hir #art #tattoo
295 followers420 following623 posts
Reposted by Morpheus Ravenna

this is, somehow, a photo, not an illustration.

The vault.

The bell-shaped updraft of a powerful supercell is illuminated by lightning.
Reposted by Morpheus Ravenna

I think the idea of self-care has become really warped, so I'm switching to making "maintenance and morale" bigger priorities in my life. Maintenance is eating right, sleep, hygiene, cleaning my apartment, doing all of my laundry. Morale is seeing friends, fun adventures, hobbies and takeout orders

Reposted by Morpheus Ravenna

I take some issue with interviewing people surviving a war about their opinions about the US election, but I always think it is worth listening to Gazans directly.

Palestinians in Gaza warm to Kamala Harris, prefer 'anyone over Trump'
Palestinians in Gaza warm to Kamala Harris, prefer 'anyone over Trump'

An informal canvasing in Gaza showed the US vice president to be Palestinians' preferred choice as the next US president.

Reposted by Morpheus Ravenna

Remember, when Google glasses came out, users were asked to leave restaurants and other public venues, and otherwise bothered by people who didn't want to be filmed, so often that the product flopped massively and was shelved. We can do it again. I believe in our collective power to be annoying.


FWIW thatā€™s a Native climate justice activist and I can see why her remarks set off some reactions, but I also think people could take a pause to look at who the speaker is and what context sheā€™s speaking from, before lashing out with the violent speech and the names sheā€™s being called here.


Yes, analytical algorithms are doing some extremely cool things that have great benefit. We can 100% have that without selling out the whole world to rapacious generative AI scamlords.


The media often blurs the difference, allowing generative AI companies to elide the distinction and make claims about how AI is going to solve so many problems and bring great benefit to humanity.


This study used a an object detection algorithm to detect visual signifiers at a level that would be very hard for the human eye to catch. This is different than whatā€™s involved the current generative AI craze. Itā€™s also not really that new - tools like this have been around for a bunch of years.


Here is an example of a really cool use of machine learning. I want to point out something important that is easy to miss: This is a different technology than ā€œgenerative AIā€ aka the Plagiarism Machine.

Archaeologists use AI to discover 303 unknown geoglyphs near Nazca Lines
Archaeologists use AI to discover 303 unknown geoglyphs near Nazca Lines

Newly discovered figures dating back to 200BCE nearly double the number of known geoglyphs at enigmatic site

Reposted by Morpheus Ravenna

Checking in with my people in NC to see who's doing the work on the ground. Day One Relief needs money, chainsaws, and volunteers.

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Donate to Day One Relief

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Morpheus Ravenna
Part time werewolf, full time screeching banshee. Artist, ritual tattooist, sorcerer, Celtic polytheist spiritworker. Queer, genderfluid, feminist, antifascist & antiracist. LAND BACK. sĆ­ / hir #art #tattoo
295 followers420 following623 posts