Mattia Walschaers
CNRS researcher @ Laboratoire Kastler Brossel in Paris. Theoretical quantum physicist, working on quantum optics, and continuous-variable systems. He/him
52 followers56 following8 posts

I will share here also the question I posted on twitter: I realise that in French there is an ambiguity when talking about "local hidden-variable models" and whether the local refer to the model or the hidden variable. So, which one of the two is it? 1/

Reposted by Mattia Walschaers

Hartmut Neven: "My subtitle here is chief optimist." Optimism is essential, but so is realism. Quantum computers have scientific value now, but we have far to go before they can outperform conventional computers at solving problems of broad practical interest.

Companies, countries battle to develop quantum computers | 60 Minutes
Companies, countries battle to develop quantum computers | 60 Minutes

Companies and countries are in a race to develop quantum computers. The machines could revolutionize problem-solving in medicine, physics, chemistry and engi...


To those who are interested in some words on physical resources of photonic quantum computing, you can watch my talk from the quantum energy initiative conference here: There are many other great talks from the same conference available, so if you're interested have a look!

Mattia Walschaers - Non-Gaussian Resources for photonic quantum technologies
Mattia Walschaers - Non-Gaussian Resources for photonic quantum technologies

Talk given during the QEI2023 Workshop held in Singapore from the 20th to the 24th of 2023.The Quantum Energy Initiative community gathers experts from vario...

Reposted by Mattia Walschaers

Hello Blue Sky! :D


I'm in Singapore to discuss energetic costs of quantum computing at the first workshop of the quantum energy imitative. Great to discuss things that range from energy costs required to decode quantum error correction codes all the way to questions related to sustainability and ethics! #QEI


To kick off this new account, let me make some publicity of a recent preprint where we use machine learning to detect entanglement. How to decide whether you have entangled light by only looking at a view homodyne measurement? You simply ask our neural network!

Correlation-pattern-based Continuous-variable Entanglement...
Correlation-pattern-based Continuous-variable Entanglement...

Entanglement in continuous-variable non-Gaussian states provides irreplaceable advantages in many quantum information tasks. However, the sheer amount of information in such states grows...

Mattia Walschaers
CNRS researcher @ Laboratoire Kastler Brossel in Paris. Theoretical quantum physicist, working on quantum optics, and continuous-variable systems. He/him
52 followers56 following8 posts