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Naomi Alderman
I write novels (eg The Power, new novel is The Future), I make games (eg Zombies, Run!), unorthodox Jew. not-getting-into-pointless-arguments-on-the-internet is an act of revolution. However complex you think things are, they're more complex than that
11.9k followers442 following4.8k posts

yeah so. once upon a time I co-taught a Creative Writing masterclass with Margaret Atwood. I was ten years out from my own CW Masters and I went *hard* on those manuscripts, just like I'd done when I was being workshopped. MA was surprisingly gentle, mostly saying what she'd liked.


Afterwards I asked her: "Margaret, some of those were terrible, what gives?" And she said: "listen, a single word from me lands like a hammer blow." I understood a lot of things then, about what it means to really recognise the power you have without false modesty, and to use it responsibly.


I relate to this as a painter; recognized by my profession,decades of collectors w/o the flash of Instagram or the shallow narcissism of the Kardashians. Quiet fame before the internet was satiating but incomprehensible to gen z.

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Naomi Alderman
I write novels (eg The Power, new novel is The Future), I make games (eg Zombies, Run!), unorthodox Jew. not-getting-into-pointless-arguments-on-the-internet is an act of revolution. However complex you think things are, they're more complex than that
11.9k followers442 following4.8k posts