Nathaniel S. Katz
Roman Historian (what happens after emperor gets assassinated?). Lecturer at University of Arizona. Outside academia: rap & metal music, SFF fiction, Seinfeld.
135 followers145 following25 posts

Proofs day!

Page proofs for my upcoming article, “The Legionary Coins of Septimius Severus”

In classes, I use Prima Porta Augustus to talk about the link between art & politics. This study abroad program didn’t do the Vatican, but while in Rome I got to see the statue in person—and so did multiple students, who showed me their pics of doing the pose with Augustus.

Me doing the same pose as a statue of Augustus

Perks of teaching in Italy this summer: after sending off a chapter on the treatment of the corpses of assassinated emperors, I'm off to Castel Sant'Angelo/Hadrian's Mausoleum to see where Commodus and several other slain emperors ended up.


It still doesn’t feel real that I’m going to spend the next five weeks teaching in Italy, but I’m about to get on the plane, so here we go!


Anyone who was curious about my talk on Carthage in Metal Music but missed the Heavy Metal & Global Premodernity II conference can now see the talk on YouTube:


Did you know that there are over 250 metal songs about Carthage? This Saturday at 12:15 EST, I'll be talking about how metal remembers Carthage at Heavy Metal & Global Premodernity II. Attendance is free but registration is required.


As I prepare a glossary of Latin terms for my Roman Empire students to be able to tackle some articles on how democratic the republic was, I’m struck by the needless inaccessibility of so much otherwise great scholarship. Translating the Latin wouldn’t have weakened these pieces!


One of my myth students got her younger sister the Iliad for Christmas, so the next generation of myth students is on the way! That or someone who gets bored by their Christmas present...


I got home from my last class of the semester with a voice so hoarse I can barely whisper. Presumably it’s the after effects of the cold I had on Friday, but it feels more like sixteen weeks of projecting to big lecture classes catching up on me all at once.

Reposted by Nathaniel S. Katz

Please share this CFP for what looks to be an exciting, interdisciplinary graduate/ECR conference at SUNY Buffalo next Spring. Honored to be one of the keynotes. #AncientBluesky#ClassicsBluesky

The SUNY at Bualo Classics Graduate Student Association (CGSA) Spring Symposium
Call for Papers
Do You Remember: 21 Centuries of Earth, Wind, and Fire
April 20-21, 2024
Abstract Deadline: February 1, 2024
Of all the ideas which have endured from the Greco-Roman world, few have been as widely influential as the quadripartite system of the Classical elements: earth, fire, wind, and water. The Classical elements have served as a symbolic anchor for a vast number of paradigms and ideologies, from their origin as a pre-Socratic rumination on the composition of the cosmos through their lasting influence on humoral medicine, to their thematic representation throughout every period of Western art. The history of the transformation, appropriation, and re-evaluation of the elements is one of the longest chains of variations on a theme in the Western canon.
The Second Annual CGSA Spring Symposium wishes to highlight graduate student and early career scholars working on to
Nathaniel S. Katz
Roman Historian (what happens after emperor gets assassinated?). Lecturer at University of Arizona. Outside academia: rap & metal music, SFF fiction, Seinfeld.
135 followers145 following25 posts