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Book lover & intermittent blogger. Hobby photographer, cat owning, holiday loving space nerd.
168 followers195 following387 posts

A thoroughly miserable Monday here - even volunteering didn’t lift the gloom but getting home to a wonderful parcel of treats from my sister. I have now switched the heating on to help me warm up and dry off and have a new library book to start. Monday is improving #boxofcheer

A cardboard box containing a soft toy in the shape of an acorn. A Snoopy keyring, notebook and socks. There are also some Tigger themed socks, pin badges and soft toy.

I’m about to start Wild Service: Why Nature Needs You for non fiction and I’m rereading some of my favourite YA fantasy for fiction as for various reasons I really need the warm feeling and hug that only a familiar comfort read can give.


With October just two days away I can’t pretend it’s anything but autumn now. However there are compensations which include kicking though leaves, fungi forrays & Sunday roasts in cosy pubs! #nature#mushroom#fungi 🍄

A group of conkers all starting to split out of their cases with leaves behind
A long thin mushroom that is white at the top and slowly changing to pink then dark grey at the bottom. They are known as inkcaps or lawyer’s wigs

A better day - the sun was out, the wind has dropped and we had a lovely walk and nature watch at Sculthorpe Moor *and* the train company has already refunded my ticket fully from yesterday. Now home with a good book and a casserole in the oven making the house smell good!

Blue sky with fluffy clouds over a green reed bed, with a wooden boardwalk to the bottom left
Blue sky over a flooded landscape - the water is very rippled but as blue as the sky

Ours kicked in automatically but at least the washing will dry!


My plans to resolve yesterday's idiocy thrown into disarray as trains all cancelled after one hit a fallen tree (nobody reported hurt luckily) Husband to the rescue - he drove me across the county & back using his half day off instead of going to his planned event. Did get to see my friend's dog...

A small white and light brown dog sitting on a blanket almost looking at the camera

Well the unexpected round trip across Norfolk tomorrow on public transport will mean 3+ hours of dedicated reading time… #silverlining


Thanks - the stress of working out how to collect my purse (when I can’t drive and my friend is prepping for her viva) is giving me a headache that means I might need them sooner rather than later!


Well it might have been foul weather for some of the day but there have been some good things... I finally have my new prescription from the neurologist to try and I met a friend for a long overdue catch up. However leaving my purse in her car when she lives 40 miles away is not ideal

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Book lover & intermittent blogger. Hobby photographer, cat owning, holiday loving space nerd.
168 followers195 following387 posts