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Sean Scott
Puts databases in containers. He/him. Author & speaker. Oracle ACE Director. Data on Kubernetes Community Ambassador. Lucky dad with one of each: she, he, and they. Backup≠Recovery. Dogs>People. Trans Rights=Human Rights.
236 followers564 following1.1k posts
Reposted by Sean Scott

PayPal is updating their ToS to let themselves give your data to merchants starting in November and they're certainly banking on people not knowing to opt out, SO to opt out before they start: go to Settings > Data & Privacy > Manage shared info > Personalized shopping, and toggle that shit off

Screenshot of PayPal's Terms of Service update, outlining their "personalized shopping" feature where they allow themselves the right to give info about you to other companies

We had 4 moose wander into our area. Everything was fine until people started trying to feed them. Fish & Game came out to relocate the moose and people had a fit, even facing down/threatening officers bc they're "our moose." BTW nobody complains when it's Mt lions or coyotes.


At age six, Ziggy Stardust was the first album I played on my own. I can remember cutting the cellophane, removing the sleeve and the record, holding it by its edges. Putting it on the turntable. Lining the needle up, setting it down.


All of Ziggy Stardust but if I had to pick one, reluctantly, Five Years.

Reposted by Sean Scott

To the extent possible, it’s a good idea to have at absolute minimum 72 hours worth of drinking water, food, batteries, medication, etc. One gallon per person per day for drinking. A week is prob a better minimum given infrastructural neglect & fragility & intensifying global warming effects.


Truly Elon-level well-aktshuallyism.

Reposted by Sean Scott

Seriously if you are able to do so giving blood is such an awesome form of charity, you sit there for a few minutes and then eat a snack and then someone in a hospital somewhere doesn't dieSeriously if you are able to do so giving blood is such an awesome form of charity, you sit there for a few minutes and then eat a snack and then someone in a hospital somewhere doesn't die


They're a quiet elderly couple, take care of the house and yard, otherwise normal and good neighbors. Just seriously drunk on the proverbial Kool Aide.

0 "blood banks" are where rich people store fresh baby blood (free of nanobots), RFK is alive, Area 51, China, nuclear power, etc.


He says "You should really cover up." It's a sunny day. I tell him I wear sunscreen. "Oh, that won't protect you from Bill Gates and the nanobots." For the next 20 minutes my wife and I remained straight faced, listening to him tell us about contrails, 5g, Gates/Clinton conspiracies...

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Sean Scott
Puts databases in containers. He/him. Author & speaker. Oracle ACE Director. Data on Kubernetes Community Ambassador. Lucky dad with one of each: she, he, and they. Backup≠Recovery. Dogs>People. Trans Rights=Human Rights.
236 followers564 following1.1k posts