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Joby Gelbspan
Strategic research & finance for anti-oppressive movements & communities. Consultant:, Treasurer:, Member: Personal acct, she/her, Philly. Words:
78 followers445 following71 posts
Reposted by Joby Gelbspan

If I could make a plea for BlueSky, it’s this: Please make a point of sharing links to articles, essays and more that you LOVE, that you enjoyed, that expanded you in some way. I’m always surprised by the dominance of hate-shares, complaint shares on here. And I think it has a riptide effect.


Thanks for being gracious: I know you're well aware. My heart's broken seeing many of those I trusted most completely compartmentalize that aspect, so I was thinking of how to extend your analogy for those convos. I appreciate you using your platform to keep talking about COVID, it's truly helpful.


Useful metaphor for layered protections, but my risk assessments aren’t just about my own health (moisture tolerance.) With COVID exposure, you track that wetness everywhere you go, where some people have boots, some are walking around in socks, and some are barefoot with a deadly allergy to water.


Totally! And she offered as soon as I made the decision to move, even before I'd found my apartment, so knowing I had her support boosted my confidence to take the leap. Definitely ok to ask (I love when friends ask me), but also knowing you can count on the care you need is so empowering.


I don't drive, so I hired movers to transport my stuff when I moved from Providence to Philly. Before I even asked, my bestie offered to drive down from Western MA, load all my plants in her van & deliver my cat & I to our new home. Huge favor, but her sincere willingness made it easy to accept.


My coping strategy in a single image. Description: line drawing of a person on a sidewalk with the caption "Taking walks can reduce your sense of impending doom. Try to walk 24 hours a day if possible!"

Reposted by Joby Gelbspan

I don’t post fundraisers,this is different. Ziyad is a brother to me. He’s supported me through my trials. One of the finest architects in Gaza. Built much of its former beauty. In 10 mos he’s lost all. He needs out & asks the very bare minimum. Plz consider it 💔🙏🏼

Support the Almasri Family's Journey to a New Life, organized by Suleiman Ziyad
Support the Almasri Family's Journey to a New Life, organized by Suleiman Ziyad

Hello, I am Suliman Almasri. I am nineteen years old. I … Suleiman Ziyad needs your support for Support the Almasri Family's Journey to a New Life


Thank you for this beautiful resource for teaching the next generation(s)!! Congrats on publication

Reposted by Joby Gelbspan

The Americans with Disabilities Act was signed 34 years ago today. The Disability Rights Movement is for us all, as we have two possible futures: die young or live long enough to become disabled. Be part of the movement. Watch Crip Camp on Netflix to learn the history. And wear an n95 in public.

Crip Camp movie poster: A color
1968 snapshot taken at Camp Jened shows Neil Jacobson, a young White teen, sitting in his manual wheelchair. Behind him with one hand on Neil's chair stands Alan Ford, a young Black man with a guitar slung over his shoulder. The poster text reads: "A Netflix Original Documentary, CRIP CAMP, A Disability Revolution. In select theaters and on Netflix March 25. Winner Audience Award U.S.
Documentary Sundance Film Festival 2020."]
Photo of the historical Capitol Crawl event. On March 12, 1990, over 1,000 people marched from the White House to the U.S. Capitol to demand that Congress pass the Americans with Disabilities Act, or ADA. When they got there, about 60 of them cast aside their wheelchairs and other mobility aids and crawled up the Capitol steps.
Background of the slide is the Disability Pride Flag. In the foreground, a text box reads, “In 1977, the Section 504 sit-in became the longest occupation of a federal building in United States history.
For 25 days, over 150 disabled activists demanded change. The activists were supported by many organizations, including the Black Panthers and the United Farm Workers. After 25 days of the sit-in, the Section 504 regulations were signed, providing unprecedented rights to Americans with disabilities. The struggle continues today.” 

There is also a photo from the 504 sit-in. From left: Hale Zukas, Ron Washington, and Judy Heumann respond to a question at a press conference held at the San Francisco airport before protesters leave for Washington. Lynette Taylor provides American Sign Language interpretation.
Slide has the Disability Pride flag background with a white n95 mask in the foreground. Black text reads, “disabled lives deserve every protection.”
Reposted by Joby Gelbspan

Sonya Massey’s family says she is a descendant of William Donnegan, who was lynched by a white mob during violent racist attacks that led to the creation of the NAACP. Massey was taken to the same hospital as her ancestor Donnegan, the family said

Body-cam video shows Illinois officer fatally shooting Black woman in face
Body-cam video shows Illinois officer fatally shooting Black woman in face

White deputy Sean Grayson shot Sonya Massey, who called police fearing a home intruder, after boiling water dispute

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Joby Gelbspan
Strategic research & finance for anti-oppressive movements & communities. Consultant:, Treasurer:, Member: Personal acct, she/her, Philly. Words:
78 followers445 following71 posts