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True to the Kimminess. I ams what I ams. On leave from @Pitt and living that lurk life @Brown. Conflict, movements, & methods. #alwayschitown #firstgen
683 followers658 following247 posts
Reposted by PureKimminess

The problem with media coverage in a nutshell: Trump called for “one really violent day” from police, calls Harris “mentally impaired,” claims that if he loses the country will be destroyed, and makes dozens of other malicious and dishonest statement. Yet Nate Cohn calls it a “calm week.”

Reposted by PureKimminess

Here, the admin hosted Richard Spencer, allowed an economic justice encampment, & then violently suppressed Gaza protests against Israel's ethnic cleansing campaign. It shows what speech they see as fine on campus (white supremacy) & what views they won't tolerate (human rights for everyone).

Reposted by PureKimminess

It's because we all have day jobs, advances are pennies, publishers don't market, one underperforming book tanks your career, and we're expected to be well-tuned brand machines on social media websites designed to suck our souls dry.

Tweet text: what are peoples thoughts on why fiction writers are producing so much less work than in the past, say up into the 80s but moreso w/r/t the writers of the early part of the 20th c. for the most part we dont have major writers who publish 10, 15, 20+ books anymore.
Reposted by PureKimminess

the take away from primanti bros getting bomb threats is that the GOP represents a political movement that is not actually interest in marshaling popular support and winning power via elections. it's a movement that uses violence to discipline its own members and enemies


Purge, anyone?

Reposted by PureKimminess

Rhodes Scholar, Army Ranger, Country Music Hall of Fame, Songwriters Hall of Fame, Golden Globe winning actor and just all around badass

Reposted by PureKimminess

“…when speed cameras are doing the ticketing, the proportion of tickets issued to Black and white drivers aligns closely with their respective share of roadway users. With human enforcement, in contrast, police officers stop Black drivers at a rate that far outstrips their presence on the road.”

Police stop more Black drivers, while speed cameras issue unbiased tickets − new study from Chicago
Police stop more Black drivers, while speed cameras issue unbiased tickets − new study from Chicago

‘Driving while Black’: Researchers found that Black drivers make up 70% of police traffic stops on roads where only half the drivers are Black.

Reposted by PureKimminess

The key to understanding this is to remember Trump’s support is not the working class, but the local aristocracy, the car dealership owners et al. who see themselves as Johnny Big Boy Business like Trump’s jmage.

Reposted by PureKimminess

Because why would you want the state to review strip and flips of critical infrastructureBecause why would you want the state to review strip and flips of critical infrastructure

California Governor Vetoes Review of Private Equity Health Deals
California Governor Vetoes Review of Private Equity Health Deals

California Gov. Gavin Newsom vetoed legislation Saturday that would have required private equity firms and hedge funds to get approval from the state attorney general when acquiring certain health-car...

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True to the Kimminess. I ams what I ams. On leave from @Pitt and living that lurk life @Brown. Conflict, movements, & methods. #alwayschitown #firstgen
683 followers658 following247 posts