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Queen of Land
Singing to the sea, the sky, the land. She/They. Blendian. Immunocompromised af. “Trauma is an unrelenting beast. It never quite leaves our side. But that doesn’t mean we owe it a damn thing.”
147 followers279 following1.8k posts
Reposted by Queen of Land

I need a marine biologist who is fluent in Spanish to speak with a 3rd grade classroom about the ocean for We ran out of Spanish-speaking marine biologists! Anyone available?


Because I'm always looking out for

Reposted by Queen of Land

People don't realize how hard it is as a high-risk person to be stuck at home basically non-stop for years, have to beg folks to mask up so they don't harm us & see that that still isn't enough to protect us all. It's been nearly 5 years of this. Masks should be mandatory in healthcare facilities.

Reposted by Queen of Land

They want people like me to die. And all the things privileged folks think exist to mitigate that? Do. Not. Exist. Here.

Reposted by Queen of Land

start now start today wear a respirator (n95/kn95) be an enthusiastic participant in mutual aid listen to communities sharing their struggle and continuously work to unpack the default paradigm work to retain what they are generous enough to share please dont take people or life for granted

Reposted by Queen of Land

Interesting arguments from Historic England on the potential of repurposing historic mills to address the housing crisis. Light angelic mills anyone?

Why Re-Use Mills? | Historic England
Why Re-Use Mills? | Historic England

At a time when local authorities are struggling to find land to accommodate economic and housing growth, mills provide a ready-made solution.

Reposted by Queen of Land

capitalism killed Atinuke Abayomi-Paul aka tinu. she caught covid DURING HER CHEMOTHERAPY for cancer because the medical staff refused to mask. we are devastated. we are angry. we are heartbroken. wear a fucking mask!


Do the universe a favour: put the phone down for just ten minutes and do some good in the world. Something simple, basic, without taking a photo to brag about it somewhere. You'll be amazed at the change it will make.


Today is not the day to tell me 'oh come now, things aren't THAT bad, surely?' If your existence is cushy, great. Mine sure is...but that doesn't make me blind. And it sure as fuck doesn't mean I'm not angry as fucking hell right now at how so many people I know are getting screwed and no one cares.

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Queen of Land
Singing to the sea, the sky, the land. She/They. Blendian. Immunocompromised af. “Trauma is an unrelenting beast. It never quite leaves our side. But that doesn’t mean we owe it a damn thing.”
147 followers279 following1.8k posts