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Barb Cummings
Fandom Old. Arizona native. One dog, four cats, and a wife, not necessarily in that order. Dilettante gardener, half-assed DIY-er. Sometimes I write or draw things. Swear to god I'll finish that Spuffy WIP some day. She/her.
411 followers975 following1.1k posts

I don't think it's likely to flip either, but with the Senate map what it is, as long as they have the money, it's worth a Hail Mary for the chance of putting Allred or Murscarel-Powell (sp?) over the top.


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Barb Cummings
Fandom Old. Arizona native. One dog, four cats, and a wife, not necessarily in that order. Dilettante gardener, half-assed DIY-er. Sometimes I write or draw things. Swear to god I'll finish that Spuffy WIP some day. She/her.
411 followers975 following1.1k posts