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Barb Cummings
Fandom Old. Arizona native. One dog, four cats, and a wife, not necessarily in that order. Dilettante gardener, half-assed DIY-er. Sometimes I write or draw things. Swear to god I'll finish that Spuffy WIP some day. She/her.
411 followers975 following1.1k posts
Reposted by Barb Cummings

Check out footnote 2, in which Fulton County trial judge Robert C. I. McBurney tells the Georgia Supreme Court that he is not a fan of their faux modesty and dubious constitutional interpretation.

Reposted by Barb Cummings

I just watched a woman in Ashville area get her insulin dropped off by drone and finally a use case in not mad at

Reposted by Barb Cummings

This is awesome and hilarious and also brilliant. "Jones has said he hopes “patriots,” will buy the company, keeping him employed and on the air. What if we do literally anything else with it?"


I don't think it's likely to flip either, but with the Senate map what it is, as long as they have the money, it's worth a Hail Mary for the chance of putting Allred or Murscarel-Powell (sp?) over the top.


All the instances I remember sounded like growling, not roaring. But I doubt that either the show's production people or the fanfic writers cared that much about real world feline anatomy. (Besides which, Buffyverse vampires are demons, and who knows, maybe they do both.)

Reposted by Barb Cummings

for generations, too many Hopi and Diné (Navajo) families were excluded from accessing the power grid. with help from the Inflation Reduction Act, Native Renewables is changing that. learn more in the latest story in Atmos 🧪🌎

This Native-Led Group Is Bringing Solar Power to Tribal Lands - Atmos
This Native-Led Group Is Bringing Solar Power to Tribal Lands - Atmos

Native Renewables is bringing off-grid solar to Navajo and Hopi homes that have gone generations without power.

Reposted by Barb Cummings

Since 1980, there have been 395 weather disasters in the US, with total damages over $1 billion. These disasters have cost $2.77 trillion in total and killed 16,500 people. Don't tell me we "can't afford" to address the climate crisis. The truth is we can’t afford not to.

Reposted by Barb Cummings

the biggest threat to free speech in this country is that everyone knows speaking out loudly against the right wing messaging machine, and getting its attention, will result in endless death threats and harassment and they don’t care if you’re one of their own


Had to be New York New York, which was so boring that we walked out after twenty minutes.

Reposted by Barb Cummings

Regional pilots who want to help out in western NC, eastern TN, and thereabouts, please take note: hurricane-relief airlifts are starting! (I flew airlifts in the wake of Hurricane Katrina years back and plan on joining this effort as soon as my plane is out of maintenance later this week.)

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Barb Cummings
Fandom Old. Arizona native. One dog, four cats, and a wife, not necessarily in that order. Dilettante gardener, half-assed DIY-er. Sometimes I write or draw things. Swear to god I'll finish that Spuffy WIP some day. She/her.
411 followers975 following1.1k posts